The big two-one. Most people look forward to this day so they can legally drink. Show off their ID as they purchase the vodka for their jello shots. Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to all of this. Although on my 21st birthday, I had other things on my mind; I guess you could say more pressing matters.
I usually spend the day to myself on my birthday. Everyone is at work and until they get home I have a lot of time to think. That is always a recipe for me to overthink and make myself upset over silly things. Although my thoughts on this day were not as worthless as usual. It hit me like a brick--I'm not a kid anymore. When I turned 18 I knew I was legally an adult, but I still had some time to grow up a bit. The more I thought about 21 I realized that now was the time I really had to mature. I was really going to be held responsible for my decisions and I couldn't keep falling back on my parents whenever things went wrong.
I also had the realization that 21 was pretty much the last milestone. Of course there is 50, but no one wants to be 50 years old! This was the last birthday that I felt like really needed a celebration. Next year I will be 22. What is special about 22? Nothing! I had 16, I had 18 and now I'm at 21. I'm almost mid-twenties. Time has flown by and I was not prepared for this at all. I did not sign up for this!
Then came the reminiscing. I began thinking back on everything I have done up until this point. I was blessed with so many amazing things and opportunities. I felt like I could have done so much more with everything I was offered! My overthinking was definitely in full gear. I felt so much pressure to do more than what I had already. I was excited for the future but also terrified. The realization of what was coming really hit me all at once.
I called my dad in tears. Dad always knows best! He told me he had the same reaction when he was this age. He told me to think about how much I had ahead of myself. Yes, I was 21, but I had so many more years to experience things. I might be labeled an adult, but I'm still a young adult. He assured me I was doing great so far and I would continue to do great things.
My birthday was in May and I have had about four months to try out 21 to see if I liked it and decide if I wanted to return it or not. Just kidding, that's not a thing! I realized 21 isn't so bad. I do have responsibilities, but I just take them one day at a time. Each day I learn something new and grow just a little more. I'm always going to be a kid at heart but I am slowly but surely learning to "adult" better than before. Thinking about life that way is only ruining the precious moments that you still have to experience. Take it one day a time and learn to love it all; the good moments, the bad moments, the stress, the joy, the fear, the whole package. You only live once is cliche but it sure is true!