My soul asked me what I would tell pain if it was human.
Dearest pain how are you today?
I'm good Q can't complain
how's that hip? I hope that you've been coping
heard I'm giving you a slight depression!
I'm sorry but it wasn't my intention
overheard da convo wit ya bro
telling you from yo actions... you need a slight anti depressant
yea man it sucks feeling down and around just striving to stay afloat
you gave me Avn in both hips but the left one wasn't the problem
till now... And now my whole body is killing me man it sucks thanks a lot mrs. Pain
trying to figure out what I can do bout this thing/ you keep putting this pain upon me
wish I could tell you how It's putting a strain on me
can't let my pain be the problem got to be the strong one in the family
I won't let you beat me down
I will stand my ground/ no more of these mind games you feel me now?
pain is a sense of feeling that only send actions to the mind
you ain't real! Your just as real as our brain let you become
when I take my mind off the pain then everything you do after is done
don't feel no more pain
sucks that I gotta pop pain killers just to slightly numb this thing
sad that if I smoke dope then my family won't look at me the same
but the only way I feel control is when I have hold of that green
take my mind off it
my body? It relax it
chronic pain? It tackle it
dearest pain you out of it
I'm proud of it...put my pain in these poems with hopes that I touch just one
more person that's feeling this sickle cell anemia like I am
type SS... Got a lot on my mind hope yall will just chill and listen to Q confess
don't look down on me
or frown on me
say this mans pain is not funny
oh let's just give him a egg and say Easter Bunny
funny? Just want to be left alone like Macaulay culkin
dearest pain I hope you listening/ oh you sick of hearing?
just know you should be God fearing
cast so much pain on me I should have some tearing
dearest pain why do you do the things you do?
singing out Quan Tha Poet..... Hope you reply soon
Pain's reply
To whom it may concern
Well I guess that's my job description!
I'm the reason some OD on their drug prescriptions
I'm the reason some fall into smoking Mary Jane
and the reason why some off themselves to make me go away
I'm bad no Michael Jackson Track needed
I'm the reason you brought back the pen and pad Quan
without me you wouldn't be the quiet and observant one
you'll prolly be the looking for a turn up/ always partying one/ never civil.... Always looking for some action one
so I'm glad I'm giving you pain!
yea I know it's hard but just know that a blessing is coming your way!
and that's a message from God himself!
the one that created everything even me!
and my targets to inflict pain
I'm only giving you pain so that you'll become stronger not weaker!
forgive me Q Tha Poet it wasn't my intention
but through the pain like thru the wire you'll make classics
your career will be fantastic
so don't be mad at me thank me... Cause I discovered your poetry/ yours truly.... Pain