Dear upcoming freshman,
I remember leaving 8th grade and waiting the whole summer to start high school. It was horrible because I had know idea what was going to happen. I had made it through middle school and finally made it to the top of the pyramid and now I was going into a entirely new environment. It was a semi hard transition and I remember my first day very vividly. I will probably never forget it. I know some of you have already started but I'm going off of my little brother's schedule. I'm going to start by telling you some of the myths and truths about high school.
Myth number one is that you will use your locker and you will probably be late to class. The truth is that you will most likely never use your locker. Instead you will use them as hang out spots for before and after school. So don't stress about using your locker you will learn what you will need to bring. Most teachers won't make you bring your text books anyway.
Myth number two is that you will walk down the hall way and all of the sudden an upperclassmen will push you into a locker and say "get out of my way freshman" or something around those lines. You see it in basically every movie that involves high-school. The truth is that no one cares what you are doing as long as you aren't being super annoying. Honestly most of the upperclassmen are just trying to graduate.
Myth number three is that when you walk into the lunch line there is going to be a grumpy old lady who serves you slop and then you are going to walk into the lunch room and not know what "Clique" to sit with. The truth is that there is edible food and generally the lunch lady's aren't mean. There are also no cliques like what you see in "Mean Girls", "High School Musical" or "Ned's Declassified". (If you don't know what those are than I don't know what you have been doing with your life.) Anyways there are people who tend to sit with certain types of people but there aren't jocks who pick on the computer nerds. There aren't cheerleaders who are stupid or think they are better than you. You will be friends with someone from each of those groups. So don't freak out on the first day if you can't find somewhere to sit or don't have lunch with your friend. You will be fine.
Lastly just because you are a freshman doesn't mean you should miss out on the joys of high school. I'm going to be completely honest with you. Do I miss high school? No. Do I wish I had done more in my earlier years of high school? Yes. I know this is going to sound cliche but you only get four years of high school. They will fly by and they are your last four years of being a kid and your last four years of public school. Don't stress, just be your self and live your life!
A College Freshman.