Dear Sister, This Is My Prayer For You
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Dear Sister, This Is My Prayer For You

Never give up on your dreams in order to please the world.

Dear Sister, This Is My Prayer For You
Caroline Hernandez

Sweet sister,

It amazes me how much you've grown up. I remember the day you were born, your first day of school, the day I first realized you are one of my best friends. One day you were a little girl in pigtails and sparkly shirts from Justice, the next, you're a young woman, complete with those flat iron curls you've perfected and the grace to walk in heels that I could never master. As you walk into the next chapter of your life, these are the prayers I have for you.

I pray that you pick the college you want. It would break my heart to see you go somewhere your heart wasn't leading you. I want, more than anything, to see you succeed and be happy. I know that you can't do that unless you have somewhere to thrive, which is why I pray that when you pick a university, it's the one where you know you'll be welcomed home.

On that note, I pray that when you pick a major, it's one that will allow you to follow your dreams. Whether you decide that you want to save the world by joining the medical field, or creating beautiful works of art, I want you to pick a career field that you absolutely adore. They say that if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. Darling, I never want to see you hate the path that you've chosen.

If you do end up choosing something you realize you don't like, I pray you have the courage to do what's best for you. That may be changing your major after the first week of classes. That may be sticking it out because even though that first biology class is just terrible, you can't imagine yourself doing anything but nursing. Whatever path you take, make sure it's the one that lights up as you walk along it.

As you're walking along that path, there will probably be boys that come and go. When a boy shows up, I pray that you remember that you are worth everything all by yourself. While the presence of such boys is often appreciated, I know that they can cause more trouble than they're worth, and I don't want you to have to learn that the hard way. Inevitably, you probably will learn that lesson the hard way, but I will always be here to listen to you when you need to talk, and be a shoulder when you need to cry.

No matter how far away I am, I pray you always remember that I will always be there for you. Sweet sister, I am only a phone call, a FaceTime, or a text away. Please, never let too much time go by without telling me what's going on in your life. No matter if you got your first bad grade on an assignment, you've had a rough day, or you just want to talk, never hesitate to reach out to me. I may not always answer on the first ring, but I will always get back to you as soon as I can. As your big sister, it's my job to be there for you when you need me, and when you don't.

Whatever path life takes you on, I pray that you follow your heart. You are brilliant and beautiful and fearless and so full of life; each of these attributes will help lead to your success. But what's the point of success if you're not following your heart? Never give up on your dreams to please the world.

I know you'll be successful in whatever you choose to do-- make me proud, Love.

Love always,

Your very proud big sister

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