On May 11, 2016, Salon, a website that focuses on liberal views, published an article titled, Entitled, racist, bigoted, thugs: It is time to call out Donald Trump supporters by their real names. Since this is a time when everyone is offended by everything, I am offended. It's my turn to state my views.
Last week, Mike Papantonio coined the term "Trumpublicans" for Trump supporters while on the Big Picture news program with Thom Hartmann. Chauncey Devega, the author of the Salon article, wrote, "Donald Trump's supporters are not merely 'Trumpublicans,' they are something far worse: his voters are actually 'Trump-thug-licans.'' He goes on to say how Trump is "the leader of a cult of personality" and that all he is is a name brand. Apparently, all of Trump's supporters have shown, and I quote, "a pattern of political thuggery" and all of Trumps rallies are "like human political rodeos" that are violent, which is obviously false. Do you really think security would allow a rally to become violent while a presidential candidate is there? Do you really think Republicans are like wild beasts waiting to jump on the next person who doesn't resemble them? The only time there is any type of problem at Trump's rallies is when disrespectful people try to interrupt his speech with protesting.
Devega thinks, "White, angry, entitled, nativist, bigoted and racist voters constitute the base of the Republican Party." Well, guess what, Devega? I am a white republican. However, I am neither angry and entitled nor am I bigoted and racist. I have no problem whatsoever with people who have a different skin color than me or have a different ethnic background than me. Entitled? Me? No. I work for everything I have and so do my parents. We don't think that someone owes us something because of our skin color or who we are. My parents have taught me to earn what I have. On being a nativist, I'm not that either. First of all, if it wasn't for immigrants, then the United States wouldn't even exist today. So why would I be against immigrants coming here to better themselves or get away from enslaving cultures? The immigrants should just be legal. You, sir, are the one who seems bigoted here. I don't think my opinions are superior to yours or anyone else's, for that matter. I'm open to listening to someone else about their political or cultural beliefs. In fact, the differences between what I think and what others think have always interested me. I love cultural diversity. You have written an article bashing Republicans in general because you are the bigoted one.