Dear Hillary,
I would be happy to have you serve as our first female president. You have fought for women’s rights and for equality.
You voted for the Lily Ledbetter Act, which recognized wage discrimination and the victims of discrimination. This allowed victims of discrimination to file an employment complaint concerning compensation. You were also the lead sponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act in the years 2005, 2007 and 2009. This was part of an effort to address the gender pay gap in the U.S. and allowed workers to sue for damages of wage discrimination.
In 1987, you were selected as the first Chair of the American Bar Association Commission on Women in the Profession. This was created to secure the equal participation of women within both the legal and justice system. You instituted a Gender Equality Report card within the ABA.
You have always been an advocate for women’s reproductive rights. You have always been willing to fight for women’s right to have control over our own bodies. You fought against Republicans who have tried to defund Planned Parenthood and restrict access to safe, legal abortions as well as contraception.
As First Lady you supported the FDA approval of mifepristone, also called the abortion pill, during Bill’s second term. This opened up a less painful form of abortion.
You supported the Violence Against Women Act. You also encouraged the creation of the Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women.
As a Senator you co-sponsored legislation with Senator Harry Reid to expand Medicaid eligibility for family planning services.
As Secretary of State you led efforts for a United Nations resolution establishing guidelines for an international response to sexual assault in conflict areas.
For years you worked toward making emergency contraception available over the counter.
During the UN’s Fourth World Conference on women you declared, “Women’s rights are human rights!” You went even though Bill’s administration advised you against the speech
As Secretary of State you created The Office of Global Women’s Issues within the State Department. You recognized the need for women and girls across the globe to have education and healthcare.
In 1978 you became the first woman to chair the Legal Services Corporation, which provided legal assistance to low-income individuals who otherwise would not be able to afford it.
You voted no on a constitutional ban on same sex marriage and voted yes to add sex and sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes.
As Secretary of State, in 2011, you made a speech to the UN stating, “…gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights.”
As First lady you played a huge role in passing the Foster Care Independent Act (1997), which today provides health care for 8-9 million low-income children.
This is only a fraction of all the wonderful things you have accomplished through the years. You have done so much for the U.S. and I felt you needed to have some light shed on your accomplishments. You have been such a huge role model for women everywhere and have given a voice to many. Thank you.
You are the most qualified in this election and you deserve this presidency after all the work you have done, I am more than excited for all of the great work I know you will do as our first female president.