Dear Future Me, Life Is Tough But Please Remember These 14 Things | The Odyssey Online
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Dear Future Me, Life Is Tough But Please Remember These 14 Things

You can forget to breathe OR to buy fruit OR to even pet a dog but you cannot forget these things!!

Dear Future Me, Life Is Tough But Please Remember These 14 Things

Dear Future Me,

I know you still overthink everything and you care too much, but I hope you're loving life regardless of what you're going through. Trust me the ups and downs in life are helping you and shaping you remember that. I know that you think you are wiser and "cooler" than me now but I hope you remember these 14 things that have taught you so much already.

1. Don't forget to call mom and dad!

You’re growing up and making new experience but your parents are growing old. Call home even if it's to tell them that you love them or that you tripped in front of the whole class...again. They may annoy you from time to time with their lectures but remember it's because they love you! Remember that you need them even more than ever before, even though you may not think so. They have always been your biggest support system. Love them before you lose them.

2. It’s okay to leave people behind

People come and go.Yes it hurts and it will never be easy but people can and do drain you. Don't let them! As much as you love/care about them. That doesn’t mean to completely cut them off and ignore them, it just means remember to know your worth and respect yourself. If they don’t respect you enough to value your time/effort, are they really worth it?

3. People do not know what they are doing in life so it's okay if you don't either!

If they say they do they are lying. People may act like they have their lives together but no one truly does. Life is just so unexpected and you can never be prepared for what is to come. This means it's okay for you to not know what you're doing or want to do with the rest of your life.

4. Eat, Sleep and Exercise

At the end of the day you need to take care of yourself in every aspect. That means feeding your body healthy food (even if it's one carrot every week), exercising to distress or to get that nice bod and don't lose sleep. At the end they will all benefit you mentally, emotionally, and physically

5. Remember to pick your friends wisely

It's better to be alone than to be in bad company. Remember! Just because they act like they care doesn't mean they do. Your friends are supposed to be your support system and encourage you. They are like your guides and should help you strive to be a better person. They shouldn’t be people that hinder your growth in every area of your life OR make you feel guilty about your past mistakes. It's also okay to lose friends. That's why you adopt dogs!

6. Remember Family should always be first

Yes they are annoying and let you down sometimes but it’s true when they say that family always has your back. Always try to resolve ANY issues you have with them ASAP! Don't fight with them and keep in contact with them. They aren't perfect but they will love you unconditionally

7. Life is too short to not try new things! Just do it!

Yeah it’s a bit cliche but it’s true. Who says that you will live to see tomorrow. stop living life as if you have a future. That doesn’t mean don’t plan for the future. It just means to take advantage of the one in a lifetime opportunities that are in front of you. Yes that means reading that new book or buying that cute dress or eating something new at that one restaurant that you’ve been dying to try OR even saying yes to that date. Whatever it is Just try it and do it!

8. It’s okay to not be okay

You’re not supposed to be happy 100 percent of the time regardless of what society might tell you. Remember to just laugh at yourself and at the situation.You have a right to feel the way you do. don't let anyone diminish your feelings. If you feel sad, mad, happy, or meeeh then so be it. You don’t have to change the way you are/feel because someone doesn’t like it. Stay true to yourself.

9. Remember to take pictures of everything. Yourself, your friends, your dogs.

Even if you/they don’t look so great. It’s amazing to look back and see how much you have lived. You’re so busy trying to live life that you don’t realize that everything and everyone is changing. Pictures are memories so take them!! Then maybe you can finally make that scrapbook.

10. Remember to write everyday!

Even if it’s just one sentence or a quotes. Make time to write about your day and your experiences. It’s thrilling to relive the good/bad moments in your life and to read all your accomplishments. You’ll thank me later.

11. Spend money on experiences not objects

I know...I know.. just spending money in general makes you cringe, but honestly experiences are worth it. Even if it is something so simple such as going to Chinatown or skydiving or maybe even a rave LED or a Drake concert please do it!

12. Don't criticize people's music taste. Just listen and allow your playlist to grow!

Bad or good. Whatever it is! In fact there is no such thing as bad music. Everyone has a different opinion of it and that means do not criticize it. Don’t tell them that they have “bad” taste in music! There is a reason that song is their favorite song or that artist is their favorite artist. You love the music you listen to for a reason. You don’t know if that song is getting them through something in life.The thing is you only what you are going through so do not make them feel guilty for liking that Drake song or that “The 1975” new single. Just listen to all genres and allow your playlist to grow. Don't forget to dance to it as well.

13. Always clean your room or try to keep it clean!

It may be difficult, especially when life is hectic but it does make a difference! Rearranging/cleaning your room can change your mood/life seriously! Remember that your room is a representation of your life, remember the quote "If my room is a mess, my life is a mess" so try to always keep it clean.

14. Remember to just enjoy life

Regardless of where you are in life enjoy it. You will never be this young in life again. You will never have this much time ever again. You will never experience things twice. So even if you are at your lowest in life, know that you have to go through this to really appreciate the hard times (as painful as it may be) and the good times (even if eventually they bring sad memories, you were happy at the moment at that’s what counts). Even if you haven’t accomplished all that you want for yourself just enjoy life. Appreciate everyone that is around or all of the people that left. It’s okay to miss people (dead or living), to fail that test, or lose $100. Even if all you did today was throw out the trash or shower, enjoy every second of it. Yes enjoy taking out the trash, see as it an adventure because you’re finally leaving your cave!!

With much love and best of luck,

The Old me

P.S. Remember to pet one dog a day because it keeps the Doctor away <3

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