We all know that relationships have some form of abuse, but can that be said for friendships? I stated in an earlier article about what it took to be a good friend, and how friendships can be like relationships only without the package that is brought into a romantic relationship.
This time it's a bit different. We're gonna look in about how a friendship can be abusive, and when its time to walk away. This is going to get a bit personal, but hopefully, it can be some form of closure for myself and to you reading this as well.
Abuse can come in many forms: physical, mental, and emotional. This has more to deal with the latter than the former two.
Friends are supposed to be there for each other right? A mutual respect for each other, where no one is better than the other. A friendship where one doesn't control the other. Well not in this one. I feel like I'm trapped in this endless vortex where I'm not supposed to leave otherwise I'm labeled as a "bad friend."
Friends aren't supposed to be jealous of the successes that you have and the things that you have worked so hard for. Just because I am succeeding doesn't mean I did that by saying "hey, can I have this success?" I worked my a** off for it, you just sat back and watched.
And it makes me feel like s**t that you can just go and control me the way you do? I should've walked away when I had the chance, but I guess I'm too nice.
I'm done playing nice, and I'm done with all of the silly games.
I have done everything in my power to help but it's getting to the point where I just can't take it anymore and I have to walk away. But how can I do that without a war waging out over it?
In retrospect, I'm pretty much the only friend that is left standing since everyone else has walked away because they were pushed away. And it didn't help that this friends "significant other" was the cause of all of this and the reason for this person's change of heart.
I hate to make this short, and I hate to make this depressing cause most of my articles have some sort of happy ending. But I've been watching a lot of independent films lately that have not been so happy.
It's just frustrating being in this type of situation where you know someone is going to wind up getting hurt in the end, but I'm through getting hurt and it's time that I move on. I'm in a situation where I can no longer help. I've done everything in my power to help.
Maybe things will change, but this person won't realize what they have until it's gone. One day they'll wake up.