We did everything together. From schoolwork to painting our toenails, to learning how to skateboard and breaking rules, we helped each other. We shared lots of memories growing up, we shed tears and laughed together. We planned lots of things to do in our future. Both of our families grew a little because we both got so involved with each other’s. We were to get a condo and live in Florida, go to college, hop clubs, talk about boys, and share ice cream tubs. However, like many friendships, we had to part ways.
You and I entered high school together but left it without even acknowledging each other after we both crossed the stage. We threw our caps so close together but yet so far. Promises were broken and words were thrown.
You and I fell apart.
After our freshman year of high school, we could look at each other but see a stranger instead. A part of me broke off and I had to patch that part. We were “best friends forever” in middle school; yet, we let the little things break our plans. We hated each other. We hated the feeling we had for each other. We hated knowing that deep down that there was always a voice in the back of our heads, wondering what could have happened if we were still partners in crime.
But you and I fell apart.
Years later, I still look back to how we used to be. Inseparable and one. You and I shared something special that could never be replaced. And truth be told, if I could go back in time I would change the day I didn't choose you. I would change the day I let you turn your back on me.
We were both afraid that one of us didn’t like the person who we have become. But we both need to realize that we were both just being stubborn girls who couldn’t swallow our prides and take our asses back to where we will always belong. Together.
As I take a stroll down memory lane, it made me realize that pride shouldn’t come before friends and family. It reminded me to never hold grudges because we don’t have a lot of time to love each other. Lastly, it reminded me to always appreciate and love the ones who have always been there for you since day one.