Dear customer,
Stop. Just stop. You're actually making a fool of yourself. It is not my fault that you grabbed an item without a tag. No, just because it doesn't have a tag is it free. I have to ask you certain questions because ITS MY JOB! Would you like me going into your office job and making an ass out of you? No. Please just be patient while we get the price.
Many retail jobs are first time jobs, or jobs that people pick up to make ends meet. We all aren't fortunate enough to have extravagant day jobs like some do, but you have to start somewhere. If we weren't working you'd be complaining about paying for us with your tax money.
Chances are, when you come back in the store 30 minutes later yelling at me over a mis-marked item I WILL NOT remember checking you out. Don't be irate, I have checked out countless customers before and after you today.
I have to smile and
It's really kind of like the survival of the fittest when it comes to retail. I work long hours, stand on my feet and deal with more rude than normal people in a day, but I do it. I do it because I love my job, the people I work with and what I do, despite you being rude. I am here to help you, please help me and don't make a fool of yourself.
Retail worker