Dear Coaches,
No matter if the weather is bad or good, you are out braving it with the athletes. Thank you for sometimes being the only people who watch us while we try to achieve our athletic goals. Even if all of the parents are waiting inside or in cars for the game, race, or competition to be done. Thank you for always cheering for us, even when it might feel like we do not deserve your cheers.
Thank you for the encouraging us to be better than we were the day before, and for telling us that we can set higher goals. Thank you even for yelling at us. For recognizing when we need a hug, or when we need tough love. Thank you for doing the dirty work of talking to officials, carrying coats, balls, and setting up drills or courses.
Thank you for becoming an extension of my family, and for being in between a friend and a parent. When something does not make sense, thank you for taking the time to explain it until it makes sense. Thank you for filming, then going over and over the film, pointing out mistakes and how to change them.
When we set goals that are low, thank you for reminding us that we can achieve more—that we can push ourselves. Thank you for then helping us achieve the goals we never thought possible. Even thanks, for when you gave us a reality check, or told us to stop being cocky. The tough love that was needed, thanks for that too. It has all helped us grow up, or start to.
Thank you for going the extra mile. For driving to boot fittings, picking up bagels, picking me up from the airport. It is good to know we can count on you when we need your help. Thank you for those texts telling us that you are proud of how much progress we have made this year, they mean a lot even if we do not say it.
Thank you for making sure we have eaten, are hydrated or are physically ready to play, thank you for making sure we are ok. Thank you for reminding us that we need to do homework… and agreeing that there should not be homework over breaks.
Thank you for dealing with a rowdy bunch of athletes in a restaurant or a bus filled with a sleeping team, thank you for allowing yourself to be seen in public. Thank you for those moments, that you have to repeat instructions because we goofing off, thank you. Overnight trips, annoying venues, bad officials, thank you for dealing with it all with us.
Thank you for loving the sports we love, possibly more than we do. Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on, or a smiling face. Thank you for being part of our memories, for being someone who we can always call.
Thank you for being our coach, and my coach.