Dear Childhood Bully,
It’s all over, everyone — we did it! We finished high school. Though, I have some unfinished business to take care of. I am not that same weak little girl you used to pick on when we were younger, and I have grown up more from your online bullying as well. I am strong now, and these words you need to hear.
Did it truly make you feel better about yourself when you would call me nasty names, make the rude gestures and pretend you were my friend? You, my bully, caused me to become anorexic in the sixth grade because I felt so ashamed of my weight, as you would call me fat constantly. In reality, you, dear bully, were much larger than me. I find it sad the names you called me on a daily basis. I also find it sad that my mother constantly talked to you and your mother, and you continued to bully me. After my mother would say something, you would apologize, acting as if you had no idea what you were doing to me, then made it even worse for me the next day.
As I grow up more and more every day, you still have the nerve to make fun of me behind my back for things I cannot control in my own life. We are 18 years old — how can a person have that much hate in our young lives? In fact, how can anyone have that much hate at any point in our lives?
Here are some awful facts I think anyone that has ever bullied anyone needs to know.
- According to Yale University bully victims have two to nine times more risk for suicide than non-bullied victims.
- Nearly 30 percent of children are either bullied or are committing the bullying.
- 70.6 percent of school children have seen bullying
- Only 20-30 percent of bullying incidences become reported
I hope you do not bully the whole way through life — that does not get you anywhere. I hope your children do not learn your ways because your ways hurt several others. I know I was not your only victim, and I hope once you enter college you stop your bullying ways. I do want you to know though, that you can stop bullying. It will not get you further in life, I promise.
Sincerely, the young girl you bullied for almost 11 years
As we grow as a society, we must see the errors in our ways and currently, the American bully problem has been above and beyond. Take the challenge and be a better person to the people around you today; tomorrow there might not be one of those people to make smile.