11 Signs Of Dead Week As Told By the Dowager Countess | The Odyssey Online
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11 Signs Of Dead Week As Told By the Dowager Countess

"W-What is a week-end?"

11 Signs Of Dead Week As Told By the Dowager Countess

Dead Week. Our favorite week in the semester. A range of emotions are experienced during this time and who better to explain them than the Dowager Countess from "Downton Abbey"? (If you don't know who the Dowager Countess is or what "Downton Abbey" is, Google it. Or ask the girl nearest to you, whichever is more comfortable for you.)

1. When the teacher tells you the final exam will be all multiple choice

Ah, multiple choice. You're like the exciting cousin that you didn't know was coming to the family reunion. You show up and you make the entire experience easier because we have four options to choose from which makes it a game of chance.

2. When your professor says the final exam is an essay

I don't always enjoy essays, even though I'm an English major. The only essays I don't enjoy are the ones that aren't for an English class. Do I need to type in MLA or APA? Parenthetical citations or embedded quotes only? Do I need to list my sources as a reference page or a works cited page? What do you want from me!?

3. When studying becomes your entire life for a whole week.

You lose your weekends and tend to forget what they are because you can't seem to get your head out of your Anatomy book for longer than ten minutes. When Dead Week rolls around, forget the weekend. You're studying 24/7 and when you're sleeping, you're still studying.

4. When you're looking at D2L, and there's a red dot

To press or not to press, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler of the mind to click on the notification and suffer, to dream, to sleep about the bad grade you got. Or to take arms and just ignore the dot and by opposing it, live in constant purgatory... Until you see it's just a maintenance notification. Oh, d2l, you're such a tease.

5. The moment before you give up on studying.

We all have those moments where we say to ourselves, "Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Frank Lloyd Wright, James Cameron, Tom Hanks, Lady Gaga..." All college dropouts. But then we remember, we can't give up quite yet. We've paid too much already for our degree, might as well finish it.

6. When the professor tells you that the final covers the final chapters of your textbook.

If it's not a cumulative exam, it's a blessing. But sometimes it's a trick and you find a question from Chapter 2 instead of Chapter 19 on the final. So, from now on we need a pinky promise.

7. When you emerge from the library after studying for five hours straight.

When stepping out into the light for the first time in what feels like ages, the sun burns your eyes and you feel like a medieval vampire. Instead of glowing like a diamond in the sun and putting on your shades oh-so-glamorously, you stumble around in the light, the burning sensation only subsiding after you've covered your eyes.

8. The moment after your professor tells you, "There is no final exam."

Panic, panic. No final exam means that either your grade (which may be suffering), will stay the same 68 it's always been, or you'll maintain your 90. There is no true reassurance in the words "no final exam."

9. When the final is cumulative.

I don't condone violence against professors at all. But for a moment, after the announcement is made that you'll have to read from Chapter 1 to Chapter 50, you feel sort of unhappy. But it'll pass, I promise. Unless...

10. There isn't a study guide for the cumulative exam.

Okay. I'm alright with the cumulative exam, but when there's no study guide, well, you're sending me into Mordor with no map, no eagles, and towards certain doom with a ring on my finger. It just isn't done.

11. When the teacher says "You can use the book on the final."

Oh, right next to multiple choice, this one is the Queen Mum of all of the things you can say during Dead Week. Yes, this is the best outcome of Dead Week. Oh and pair it with multiple choice and your Student Opinion Survey will be the best one you've ever read. But I don't take bribes.

Needless to say, no matter how easy or hard your Dead Week is, you'll find that you experience one of these emotions during that special time. Good luck to all of you on your finals, and here's to you and your studies!

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