Dayton To Daytona, From The Perspective Of A Student Who Hasn't Been...Yet | The Odyssey Online
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Dayton To Daytona, From The Perspective Of A Student Who Hasn't Been...Yet

We can only imagine what it's really like.

Dayton To Daytona, From The Perspective Of A Student Who Hasn't Been...Yet

Ahh, Dayton To Daytona.

UD's tradition of ending the spring semester with a week-long celebration in the South. As our version of spring break, this trip is where sun-kissed skin, pool parties, and free concerts (as well as beer) combine to kick off the summer. Every year this trip is firmly set in the mind of upperclassman as they come back from Christmas break to register for a hotel (hopefully the first) and hit the RecPlex to work on their Daytona bods.

For students who haven't been yet, Daytona seems like a haven where college students are able to roam free without UD police breaking up the party. We've heard about the drama that goes on, the crazy memories that have been made, and the sadness of leaving. The vision that has been created by our friends is a big one to live up to, and we can only imagine what it will actually be like.

In light of that, here is my perspective of Dayton To Daytona.

The Trip Down

If you decide to road trip, stopping to get food or even to do the simple things (like pee) is a last resort. You'll be anxiously waiting to cover more miles. Then when the palm trees finally come into view, you know it's time to put the pedal to the metal.

For those who choose to fly, things seem to be a little bit easier. You get to relax by kicking your feet back, ordering yourself a couple airplane cocktails, and waiting for the pilot's announcement into your final decent. Whatever way you get to Daytona, this is part of the trip is when students are at their most giddy.

Day 0

Rumored to be the trip's pregame, only the most devoted students plan to go a day early. The upside is they get to scope out their hotel, the beach, and the pier. Sounding eerily similar to patient 0, this day is the start of an uphill ride, then a fast decline come the middle of the trip. People say you're literally unable to move on the bus to the airport, and while many questions will run through your head, the biggest one will be whether or not Day 0 was worth it.

The Pool Deck

The pool deck is where all the action happens: the free beer, the concerts, and the raging. It sounds like an adult playground for UD students to go wild.

Some advice I've heard:

Don't lose your friends because you will not be coherent enough to search for them.

Don't bring your phone because you'll never find enough rice to fix that problem.

And whatever you do, DON'T lose your cup.

Getting In The Pool

Highly questionable.

On the first day, the pool will seem so serene and appealing, you might even enjoy yourself when you take a dip. But throughout the trip, it will get murkier and murkier, and will start to resemble the swaps that Florida is famous for. Instead of being filled with water, the pool will be filled with beer, sweat and people that have just been pushed in. If you're brave enough to go in the pool by day five, you might want to think about contacting your family physician for a penicillin shot when you get home.

The Arcade

Corndogs. Corndogs. Corndogs. I've heard they're magical.

Waking Up In The Morning

For the first few days, waking up will be a piece of cake. You're so excited and ready to get your butt to the pool deck that you don't even notice the hangover that is about to set in.

The last days of the trip are a struggle. You'll start to wake up later and later every day, showing up later and later to the pool deck. Your only saving grace is the free bagels they offer in the morning. People say they taste like rubber, but that doesn't matter when you're puking it up later that day.

The Last Night

Tears. Tears everywhere. This is one emotional night for seniors. It's likely the last time you'll see a lot of the people you've been around for the past four years, which will have you running around hugging kids you haven't seen since freshman year. The only thing you can do as you suppress your ugly cry is raise your glass (or bottle) one last time.


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