You know all those memes, tweets, and videos of "that awkward moment when..." Well, it's people like us that you have to thank for that. Not everyone understands the struggle of being eternally awkward, but if you do, you are well aware of how often your days go a little bit like this.
Walking to class.
Just great, it’s raining. Okay, don’t fall. Don’t fall. Get it together, don’t fall. Boom. Not just a fall. A slip a la banana peel in a cartoon style. Right on my butt. Right in front of everyone. All you can do is get up quickly and cry on the inside like a winner.
During class.
Your teacher says that you can choose your partner for this project, but you don't know anyone in this class. You are now that sad person that doesn't have a friend in class so you sit there while everyone else pairs up until the teacher just matches you with someone.
Simple task enough. Of course, I can do this. Yup, just missed my mouth. But I didn’t miss my pants so that's just great.
Looking in the mirror.
Has that been in my teeth all day? Why didn't someone tell me? Yup, that’s a stain on my shirt.
Greeting someone.
You go in for the kiss on the cheek to say hi and then you remember you’re not in South Florida. People don’t do that here. So the other person just awkwardly tries to dodge you and you are left to think about your mistakes while uncomfortably smiling at each other.
“Hey, how are you?” Oh God, did they just noticed that I spit? Yup, they did. I can tell. Look at they’re face of disgust. They’re trying to be polite though. That’s nice. God bless your kind soul.
Running into someone
you only sort of know.
“Hi!” “Hi, how are y--.” And they’re already walking away.
Running into someone you don't know at all.
"Hey, Alanna! How have you been?" Hey, you.
Just being in public in general.
You see some one you know, wave, and they don't see you. You are day dreaming and realize that you were accidentally staring someone down and they saw you. There are just a lot of things that can, and do, go wrong.
Getting caught Facebook stalking someone.
"How have you been?"
"Good, how is your sister's engagement?"
At the gym.
You walk up to a new machine with only the best of intentions. You realize you have absolutely no idea how to use this piece of equipment. You play with it for a second, and casually walk away hoping no one notices.
Using social media.
You take an embarrassing Snapchat or picture of yourself with five double chins or pooping. Then you accidentally send it to someone other than your best friend.
Lying in bed.
Let me just lay there remembering every single embarrassing thing I've done since I was nine years old and think about it all night.