The feminist movement: Sure, I understand it. I perfectly recognize the importance of women achieving their dreams and working alongside men in that process. There is no reason to believe that women are inferior to men, and the possibilities are endless for any choice regarding anything a woman may want to accomplish. But men are not an enemy in date life. We care about making the girl feel special.
As a matter of fact, it's great that women are pressing society for equal opportunities in a divided nation.
I was reminded of all this just last week.
It was last week when I reached for a check to pay for my date's dinner. I'd forgotten that she was going to pay for it. We agreed on this a long while before.
She never expressed anger that I paid, but just gently tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me that it was her turn.
This got me thinking about why men feel obligated to pay for the date.
And while my answers I drew aren't factual, nor do I want them to be regarded that way, I see them as general. And if the man is serious about the date he's on with you, the feelings on his end have a high probability of being close to mine.
Some things that us guys do for the girl are out of kindness and respect for the sole reason that we care and want them to feel special not because we feel they are unable to pay.
Now, this is a generalization. But, most guys I know would look at me as if I was from another planet if I said that we only pay for a date because we feel it enforces our superiority over the inferior woman.
I understand the woman is more than capable of paying for her meal or activity. But it's much more important for me to pay to show that she is to feel special, quite frankly, because she is.
So gals, when us men take you out, hold the door open for you, and cover the check at the end of the night. Don't take it as a call for sex. And please don't take it as a effort to show are dominant masculinity. Take it as, we care about making the girl feel special.
And while not all men may not feel the same way. At least allow them a chance to show their thankful for your company.
Perhaps I'm old fashioned in believing the man is to pay for at least the first date if not more after.
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