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To Date or Not To Date

To Date or Not To Date

There has been a number of articles online about dating in college, but among them all I've found a theme...female authors! So I'm here to shed some light on the situation from a guy's point of view and give the boys (and girls) some advice. 

In my opinion dating in college is pointless, but in my effort to write an unbiased article I will see the situation from all point of views. 

Message to College Girls:

Before I begin I would just like to say that in no way do I intend to offend women, but... let's be real ladies, women are naturally emotional creatures. It's all a numbers game to guys, but don't worry there's still a chance you may be the one for him. Which leads me to my point.

     Be clear on what you are.

If you are going to date do it right. Skip past the stupid games and be honest in all communication. Establish a common understanding between you two on what exactly you are (dating, exclusive, friends with benefits, etc.). If you want to be the only one make sure he knows, because you might not be.

     Don't be crazy.

No one wants a girl that is constantly calling and arguing about everything. If there is a time you may be feeling a little psycho, take a step back and analyze the situation. What is causing your stress and worry That time of the month? If there are no external factors playing into it than there is an internal problem within your relationship. 

Message to College Boys: 


Just kidding do what you want, follow your heart and all that other BS, but if it doesn't work out I'll be the first to say I told you so.

     If you've decided not to listen, at least be faithful.

It's college, there are thousands of beautiful women at your disposal and new faces every night. Considering you are drunk probably 70% of the time it is very easy to make a mistake. If you have the self control and can handle your booze well enough to deal with all of that and be faithful I applaud you because you are a better than I. You've made a commitment so be a mature, responsible adult and stay true to her.

     Spend time with your bros.

It is hard to find that balance of spending time with your lady and spending time with the fellas. Your bros make fun of you for spending too much time with her and she thinks you don't spend enough together. However a happy medium can be achieved; the tricky part is your friends are always encouraging you to do all the things your girl discourages you to do so this can get sticky. Clearly explain the situation to them and if they are true friends they will not only understand but make sure you don't make mistakes.

At the end of your day do what makes you happy. However, remember these are selfish times, stop thinking about others and do what you want when you want. If you don't you may regret it for the rest of your life. 


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