Dark Rainy Night In Fondren | The Odyssey Online
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Dark Rainy Night In Fondren

A night in Fondren Library at SMU

Dark Rainy Night In Fondren

Thunder roars outside as the rain beats down on your dorm window.  You look carefully over the contents of your backpack, making sure that you have anything you could conceivably need for the next 12 hours.  Books, laptop, pencils -- check, 45 ounce mug of coffee -- check, 60 milligrams of Adderall -- check. You are good to go. Time to spend the night in Fondren.  

When you arrive, it is already past 10 p.m. Like lemmings running over a cliff, you and dozens of fellow procrastinators are herded into the doors of the library where you will learn economics or die in the attempt. The test is at 9 a.m. and you are already dressed for class; you won't see your dorm again until it is all over.  All around you, the faces of your fellow classmates are grim but determined. You can do this.   

The first thing you do is go straight for the west stacks elevator. Floor six. You arrive, hoping for a quiet table, but the entire place is packed! Those damn responsible students who started studying at 8 p.m. instead of 10 p.m. Do they not have lives? After all, there were football games on today.  A little dispirited, but still determined, you set out for a new spot.     


After two hours, you have finally found the perfect study spot to go hard without interruption. Grinning, you pull out your books. Then it happens. The loudest most obnoxious group of freshmen that you have ever seen rolls into the same room and begin the talking and nonsense in a group that first year students call studying. You throw on your headphones and decide to tough it out.   

4 a.m.  

The freshmen are long gone, and you have rewritten and gone over every piece of information from the chapters you need for the test. Your friend has gotten you a copy of an old test, and you are ready to give it a go. You pull out the test and begin.   

6 a.m.  

You knew absolutely nothing on that test. Were those lecture notes? They sure as hell were not in the book.  Frantically, you try and learn from your missed answers and fill in the information gaps. It is not going to work, you know it. Oh, well, better luck next semester.

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