Dancers all know the feeling of when it comes down to the end of the year and it's recital time. It's exciting and stressful all together. It's really hard to be on the backstage end of recital where you don't get to be dancing on the stage anymore but instead watching from the sidelines. Since It's the end of spring and recital season for dancers, here's a few things that all dancers miss about recital even if we would never admit it.
The feeling of needing to get the perfect bun for a dance.
You just can't seem to get the bun perfect though.
Then five minutes later, you have to have your hair in pig tails.
The pig tails are almost always asymmetrical.
When you have one song in between dances so you have to hurry up and change.
it always seems to be the dances that you have the most to change.
When you are waiting to go on stage and then you realize you have to pee.
t's actually a form of stage fright in a way. Your body makes you think you have to got the restroom.
When you completely forget the dance right before you go on.
You normally still ace the dance anyway though.
When you ace the hardest move in a dance.
It took forever and it may have been a fluke but you did it.
When it comes time for the end of the show.
You are glad it's over but you are also sad it's over.
When the curtain finally closes.
You are extremely excited but all the emotions hit as another year has gone.
It's hard when you still remember all these feelings like it was yesterday but you have moved on to bigger and better things. Your studio will always be your home, now you are just watching it from a different perspective as an alumni of the studio.