10. When the study guide is nothing like the actual test | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

14 Cringe-Worthy Moments College Students Experience On Campus, Every Single Day

A lot of these items are repeat offenders, yet they never fail to make you cringe when you experience them.

14 Cringe-Worthy Moments College Students Experience On Campus, Every Single Day
Kelsey Dietrich

Students on a college campus witness a plethora of diverse experiences. Due to the wide variety of extracurricular options, challenging classes, eccentric professors and individual students, there is always something that is bound to catch your attention as you are learning and developing on a college campus. These experiences can be divided into a range of different categories based on their effects and the emotions that result from the experience. The worst is witnessing those moments that truly make you cringe; those moments that make you scratch your head (not in a good way, either) and contemplate why or how this thing is even occurring.

Here are 14 examples of those cringe-worthy moments that college students experience while on campus every day.

1. When students start packing up 10 minutes before class ends

One backpack zipper creates a domino effect of all the backpacks zipping and binders clicking shut; the whole room instantly loses focus of their attention that should be on the professor and this just makes my heart hurt.

2. Students obnoxiously eating a full-blown meal in class

Snacks are okay, but nobody wants to listen to you eating your entire dinner in class.

3. When the whole classroom is silent after a professor poses a question

Perhaps it's thinking time though...

4. When you can hear the kid's music blaring from their headphones literally across the entire room

Hope you don't blow out your eardrums!

5. When the professor's PowerPoint has a quotation and the period is placed outside of the quote

Even if your doctorate isn't in English, you should still know that the period is placed on the inside of the quotation marks.

6. Students who just abruptly walk out of the lecture early

In the case of a special circumstance, then the student should be prepared to slide out of the room without disruption; otherwise, making a big scene to leave early while the professor is still lecturing is so rude.

7. When the professor appoints a student to read out loud and they just can't 

I feel bad for the student but even worse for my ears.

8. When professors do not introduce themselves

A little personal background would be nice if you expect us to connect with you and respect you.

9. When students do not pass back the papers properly in a large lecture hall

If the prof gives the first row of students a stack of notes, then those students better pass the papers behind them the right way so people sitting in the middle of the lecture don't get left out.

10. When the study guide is nothing like the actual test

What was the point of even giving us as study guide then?

11. Professors that do not keep their names consistent 

Makes it harder to look them up and awkward for how to address them personally.

12. When students ignorantly have loud conversations in large lecture halls

I can hear you and the professor can hear you even though he pretends not to and continues lecturing. Please keep your mouth shut and be mindful of the 200 other students who are actually trying to learn here. Your conversation can resume after class; it's not that important that you have to disrupt the entire lecture hall.

13. When professors ask for suggestions, students make them, and then the professor refutes the suggestion made 

Then why even ask in the first place?

14. When professors do not understand how to work the technology in the classroom

And you have to endure that awkward long-lasting pause of silence until some techie offers guidance to the lost prof.

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