“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” -Thomas A. Edison
While the Odyssey has given me many things, if I had to narrow it all down to one thing it would be opportunities. The Odyssey has given me opportunities to grow as a journalist, editor and social content creator. This company has given me the opportunity to interview important members of today’s music industry, just a small portion of the music journalist career I hope to pursue one day. The Odyssey has given me the opportunity to have a voice on a social platform that has millions of viewers each month, both new and old. I have been given the opportunity to connect with thousands of millennial content creators across the country just like me.
Most recently, the Odyssey has given me the opportunity to intern with them in their New York offices this summer with all the people that work tirelessly each day to continue to give us more opportunities, and I couldn’t be more excited.
I can’t wait to see into the world that as writers and editors we see only catch small glimpses of in the New York office’s Snapchat and meetings with our managing editors. I will be a part of all the work that happens behind the scenes of the company and meet all the people that make it happen.
I am excited to get a closer look into our generation’s media trends and the potential future of the journalism field. I hope to learn about all of the Odyssey’s upcoming developments and projects and their future aspirations as a company. I am also glad I am getting the opportunity to be a small part of this growth of a major industry within the world.
I have grown to love the Odyssey for all that it has given me and the amount I have learned as both an editor and writer. I love that I am able to have a voice on a national platform and am so proud to be a member of such a remarkable company. I won’t lie either, my stomach dropped for each round of interviews, and would leave the conversation a nervous wreck until I heard the news from New York. Upon being chosen, I was in disbelief over the fact that I was one of 15 chosen out of such a large pool of applicants for such a remarkable experience.
While I fully expect to work my butt off this summer, I would be crazy to not admit that it will all be worth it and have had a countdown since March. I feel very fortunate to be given such a fantastic experience and can’t wait to see all the new opportunities unfold this summer with the Odyssey in New York City.