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'The Food Is Disgusting,' And 9 Other Conversations You're Bound To Overhear On Campus

The things that college students discuss on campus will make you laugh, cry, or give you something to think about.


When college students are not in class, they enjoy walking around campus, going for a jog, or riding bikes (which can be dangerous) all while searching for something to do. If you pass by students in the cafeteria or happen to be sitting at the table across from them, you will most likely hear what they are saying. The conversations are frequently interesting, strange, funny, and understood. However, they are always random, so you never know for sure what you will hear next. Here are the conversations that you will overhear your fellow college students say.

1. Do you want to go to the gym? I'm trying to bulk up, and could use some advice

It is important to work out and get in shape. Having a healthy body and mind is beneficial to living a healthy life. There are students who will occasionally discuss their exercise routine, favorite training classes, or the type of supplements they use. Athletes and other students looking to hit the gym will ask for help from friends who frequently visit the rec center.

2. I really do not like this class, have you taken it before?

College courses can be difficult. There are times when you take a class, which you regret after the first two to five sessions. This is a topic that close friends will discuss with each other. If they have taken the class before, they will talk about the pros, cons, or advice to survive. The conversation is interesting, but unusual. It might cause you to become grateful for some of the classes you are taking for the semester.

3. Can I borrow your notes?

There are times when you will hear classmates ask if they can borrow notes from another student. There are different reasons. Whether they were absent or fell asleep, this is something that is likely to come up during a conversation. If the student cannot read his friend's handwriting, this will make the situation more hilarious. You will hear this common question at least once during each class.

4. Any plans for the weekend?

After a long week of classes, students will get excited when the weekend arrives. If you are sitting outside or anywhere on campus, there is a chance that you will hear people talking about their big plans. Whether it is a party, vacation, or trip to the city, everyone is going to be discussing what they are doing. It is okay if you listen. This conversation is random, but you will possibly discover new places that you might want to visit during your next break.

5. What do you like to eat?

If you are eating in any of the campus dining halls or outside, the conversation that is guaranteed to come up is the kind of food that people like to eat. The most popular choices are pizza and sushi. This is an interesting topic, and you will find out how many others students like the same food that you do.

6. Campus dining is awful, I cannot find a seat, and the food is terrible

There will possibly be a chance that students on campus are going to be talking about the condition of the dining halls. The food or seating arrangements can be a problem. If you listen to this conversation, try to understand the problems that you relate with since you may figure out a solution.

7. I was out sick, did I miss anything important?

Students cannot help getting sick. It happens to all of us. What is crazy is the fact that students always ask if they miss something that is important while they were out. This is a phrase that professors cannot stand and nearly every class has information that should not be missed. The conversation is occasionally mentioned since attendance is mandatory, but if there is a student absent you will definitely hear this sentence the following class.

8. What is the point of this requirement?

Let's be honest, many universities require courses that are not going towards the major of students because they want money, and would like you to attend college for at least four years (they call it the full educational experience) before you graduate. At times during the semester, there will be students discussing the classes that they are taking and asking questions. This conversation is something that most students will have at some point. By listening to what some people are saying, you can become more aware of the roles that power and greed play in educational institutions.

9. Did the mascot photo-bomb you?

One of the funniest things on campus, besides the comedy-themed performances, is the mascot. Every university has one that is really cool and fun to interact with. One of the conversations that you may hear is the unexpected appearance of the school mascot in a photo or at an event, which is exciting, funny, and creepy.

10. Are you going to get a full-time job after graduating or your Master's Degree?

College students are going to have to make a decision after graduating. Some have more time than others (depending on what year you are) to figure out what they want to do. This conversation is often heard at lunch, after classes, or towards the middle of the semester. Whatever students decide to do is up to them, but it will make you consider the choices that you will make when it is time to accept your Bachelor's degree.

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