The to-do lists are never ending. You have to write three essays, study for five cumulative exams and you still have to find time to sleep and eat. Finals week is a stressful time for everybody, but here are some tips on how to survive the stress.
Use to-do lists as a way to plan ahead.
With the mountains of homework to do and exams to study for, it is helpful to plan ahead. A to-do list is the perfect tool to use. There is a great feeling of accomplishment that comes with checking an item off of a to-do list. And on a more practical note, to-do lists help with planning. Deciding to spread out studying can help make the task feel like less and can result in better grades.
Work out.
Working out can relieve stress. Many people might not choose to work out during finals week because it takes up time. However, working out does not have to be a time-consuming activity. Setting aside 30 minutes to go on a run or walk can decrease stress levels. This can also be a perfect study break.
Did you know that sleep helps with memory? Sleep scientist, Dr. Matthew Walker, claims that "sleep after learning is essential to help save and cement that new information into the architecture of the brain, meaning that you’re less likely to forget it.” Sleep plays an essential role in students remembering what they have studied and helps test-takers stay alert. With proper planning, the right amount of sleep can fit into any busy student's schedule.
Netflix and chill-out!
Whether you are switching from one subject to another or just need some time to let the brain relax, Netflix can help. Choose a 20-minute sitcom episode and give your brain a break. Remember, it is not procrastination since you should be taking study breaks anyways!
Have a positive attitude!
If you tell yourself that you are going to do well, then you will perform better than if you tell yourself that you are going to do poorly. Stay positive! Only one more week until summer break.
Watch this clip.
This clip from "The Office" called "Stress Relief" is the funniest clip in the entire history of television. When watching, you will forget that you were even stressed in the first place!