In the past few years, people seemed to have bypassed the whole million years of evolution thing and developed an extra appendage: their cell phone.
Seriously, look around any college campus in America and you’ll see what I’m talking about. We twenty-somethings literally just cannot function without this piece of technology.
Collectively our generation (myself included) has become waaaaay too dependent on all things that tweet, beep and buzz. If we are not constantly in the know, it seems that the world has briefly come to an end. Yes, a little dramatic, but we all know this feeling and we all now this to be true.
For example: It’s the middle of the afternoon and your phone dies. Maybe to your mom it might not be a big deal, but to you, a million thoughts race through your mind: How am I going to call my friend for a ride? How will I know when a bus is coming? How am I supposed to Snapchat that adorable puppy in his little yellow vest?!
Our entire lives are saved in these little devices that we have grown so attached to. We’re so caught up in them, in fact, that we haven’t taken the time to ponder the effects technology is bringing about.
The evidence about the physical and emotional effects stemming from mobile overuse is mounting, and it’s about time we paid attention. The whole concept of being alone in a crowded room has taken on a whole new meaning over recent times. We all are in our own little bubbles even amongst others. We are too attentive to our phones and not to the people we are actually spending time with. We need to put down our phones and enjoy the company of others we are physically with. It’s amazing what can happen when you put down your phone and actually talk to someone. On the Internet, there is no such thing as privacy. Every single picture you post has the potential to come back and bite you. Pictures are not the only evidence these days, but are the ones that tend to get people in the most trouble. Think before you post, your future job-seeking self will thank you. People do not respect boundaries.
Whether physical or emotional, all sorts of lines are being crossed. Communicating through a phone allows people to be way more forward than they would be in real life. The constant communication provides opportunities for men and women to be harassed through their phones. Not only that, but apps can make it easier to locate people and see where they spend their time. Any one has the opportunity to now become a part-time investigator or more concerning a professional creeper.
Now for the obvious one: short attention spans. It is increasingly difficult for us to focus on one thing at a time, or even finish a task. We are so used to constantly knowing what is happening next, we don’t focus on what’s currently happening. It’s a sad reality we all need to be aware of so we can combat this pattern.
Our world’s concept of communication is constantly evolving, but that doesn’t mean we have evolve as quickly as it does. Cutting out technology is next to impossible, but we can be aware of these problems so we don’t sucked into them. Instead of Facetiming your friend from home, clear a weekend and go visit. Instead of texting someone about getting coffee, actually go and make a date. Just remember that when your eyes are blurry and stinging from staring at a screen for so long, it's probably a sign to put down you device and go out to meet someone. Above all else, don't forget the true foundations of our relationships.