College breaks are the time where we can kick back, relax, and enjoy some quality time with old friends and family. Who's better to sum up this the transition of coming home for the break than the lovely ladies of "Bridesmaids?"
1. When you finally walk through the doors of your house after hours of traveling:
Your first stop is the couch.
2. When you get to hug your mom for the first time in weeks/months:
Bring it in. Bring it in.
3. Then you immediately apologize for all of the laundry that you brought home, but she reassures you like:
Thank you for understanding, Mom.
4. When you're finally reunited with your pets and refuse to leave their side, so you take them with you everywhere that you go:
Get in loser, we're going shopping!
5. When you finally get to drive your car again, so you and your friends go for a spin:
Oh, how I missed driving.
6. Naturally, you cruise by your old high school to make everyone jealous of your freedom like:
You wish that you were on break.
7. When you're trying to avoid old classmates like:
Play it cool.
8. When the OG squad gets together for a girls night:
Cue the Justin Bieber tunes and good times.
9. When your siblings think that it's okay to steal your clothes now that you're home again:
I'm watching you.
10. When you haven't looked presentable in days because you don't have anyone who you're trying to impress:
Home is a judge-free zone, OK?
11. When you finally get to sleep in your bed from home:
A bed that isn't lofted is such a privilege.
12. When you're going out to eat and ask your parents for money because:
Please help me out.
13. When you run into high school seniors who are really excited about college:
I promise you that feeling will fade the moment that you have multiple exams and papers due right before break.
14. When you finally get to eat a home-cooked meal:
You've got to eat when it's good, am I right, ladies?
15. When you come back and your downtown is completely rearranged:
Have I really been gone that long? When did that store close? What is life?
16. When you spend your entire break watching Netflix because social anxiety:
Why should I go out into the real world when I have Derek Shepard?
17. When something funny happens to you and you wish that your college friends were there to witness it:
It just doesn't sound as funny when I put it in the group chat.
18. Then you remember that you'll see them soon and you get really excited about all of the story swapping that's about to happen:
After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.