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The Perfect Color Scheme To Decorate Your Room Based On Your Zodiac Sign

If you're going to paint your room, you should paint it right.

The Perfect Color Scheme To Decorate Your Room Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Growing up, my walls were initially blue, pink, and purple with a sponge texture. When I reached middle school, I wanted a change. I picked a bright yellow and turquoise because I like bright colors. I thought it would cheer me up when I had bad days.

Looking at my white walls in my college apartment, I wish I could paint them but wouldn't know where to start. As a Leo, I have a tapestry of a colorful lion pinned up and a couple of other signs and pieces of artwork.

This is what I believe that each zodiac sign should do with their room.


Hues of red, like the color of blood and intense emotions. The room would capture attention just like the personality of an Aries.


Pale blue and green, to represent the sky and the pastures that the bull roams. Green will help reinforce a Taurus' connection to nature and growth.


Yellow, like the sunshine a Gemini will bring into the lives of others.


White, silver, and grey, to represent the surface of the water where the crab lives. These colors symbolize purity and the nurturing behavior of Cancers.


Gold, like a lion and the crown they wear as kings and queens of the Jungle. Since Leos hold all the power and want to be noticed, gold will surely give them what they desire.


Green and dark brown, like the ground that the virgin walks on. Both colors will keep Virgos grounded and focused on stability.


Pink and light blue, to represent the calming and likable presence of a Libra. A balance between these colors symbolizes the balance that Libras have in their lives.


Black, like death, intense and mysterious. Like death and like the sting of a scorpion, Scorpios strike when least expected and pack a hell of a punch.


Purple, to represent the Sagitarrius' strive for knowledge as they travel the world seeking inspiration and enlightenment. Purple will remind of them how royal learning can be.


Brown and grey, like the water goat's fur. Both colors will help stabilize and focus the Capricorn's energy on their task at hand.


Electric blue and turquoise, to represent the water that the water bearer bears. Shades of blue will bring peace to the Aquarius.


Sea green, like the fish that swim in the sea. This color will remind Pisces' of their true nature.

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