1. Pick up more hours at work. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

The Semester Is Over, So It's Time To Level Up And Do These 8 Things To Make The Most Of Ourselves

Take advantage of your open time to do what YOU want.


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After months of late nights, group projects, early morning study sessions and the constant hair pulling that comes with exam time, it's finally over...for now. But with all this free time. you have to find some way to be productive, have fun and enjoy the relaxation time while you have it.

Here are just a few ways to make the break worth the wait.

1. Pick up more hours at work. 

Now I know most would think that this is a terrible idea since winter break is supposed to be about relaxing, not working more. But by picking up more hours at work, you get to make more money. More money means more lit weekends, more planned trips, and maybe you can even get ahead on a bill or two if you are feeling responsible. It may sound like a drag, but nothing is free and without it, you are going to do a lot of window shopping.

2. Catch up on Netflix shows.

The new year is coming, new shows are coming out and more seasons are being added to some of our favorite shows. Maybe that fifth season of "Jane the Virgin" might come out, or maybe they will drop a bunch of nostalgic shows and movies to remind us of what was as we head into the new year. Netflix is an amazing pastime, and winter break has a lot of time to pass. Time to pull out the remote, pick a show and let it roll. You might even find a show you like that you thought you wouldn't.

3. Go to the gym.

Everyone with that "New Year, New Me" vibe knows what I am talking about. During the semester, a lot of us maybe thought about going to the gym, but we always had to prioritize getting in some study time or relaxing before we had to go back to class. Going to the gym a couple times a week will make you feel better physically, gives you something to do, and will give you a head start on that "beach bod" you are looking for.

4. Try something you have never done before. 

Nothing that will make you regret it or that might put your life at risk, but just something you have never done. If you have never left the state before, gather up some friends and take a train, Megabus or road trip to a local state. It doesn't have to be too far out of your home state, but at least far enough to say that you did.

Maybe practice drawing. You might not like drawing or think that you are trash at it, but maybe if you practice you will see that you are better than you thought. And if you truly are just that bad, at least you can laugh at yourself while doing it.

5. Become the ultimate sports fan.

The NFL Playoffs are right around the corner and the NBA is in full swing, as every game will mean more and more after Christmas. With all this time to watch the games and so many games to watch, it is the perfect opportunity to get your blood boiling and root for your favorite players and teams. I may be a little biased, but trust me when I say that there is something special about being able to watch your favorite teams in your favorite sports back to back, day in and day out.

6. Pick up a hobby.

I know typically when someone says "get a hobby," it sounds like you do not have a life and you need to do something with yourself. Personally, I feel like finding a hobby is a good way to discover new interests that you have, and interests can change your view on things. By finding new things to peak your interest, you start to get a new appreciation for life and the different opportunities and things you can do. Hobbies are cool! Find a new one. You might learn something about yourself.

7. Look into scholarships. 

College is expensive. Student loans are sticking in the back of your head, and you know the day is coming where you are going to have to pay up. During the semester, finding scholarships is hard because you have to find the time to do that and get all those PowerPoints, notes, assignments and essays done. Now that the balance of time is in favor of the scholarships, why not try to find a few and get a little money? As far as I'm concerned, any money is good money, especially when the only thing it costs is a little bit of your time.

8. Catch up on sleep. 

This is probably the most favorable and honestly, the most important. After all the all-nighters and early mornings of staring at the computer, treat yourself with an extra hour or two, if not even more, hours of sleep. You earned it. All that stressing and hair-pulling are definitely worth a couple extra hours of sleep for the next month and a half. As college students, sleep is our best friend. Take advantage of all this sleep time.

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