4 College Students Speak Their Mind On The Current Stage Of The USA
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4 College Students Speak Their Mind On The Current Stage Of The USA

The United States is moving back in time. It is not getting any greater.

4 College Students Speak Their Mind On The Current Stage Of The USA
News Week

The political world is insane right now. I decided to interview and get views on what has been happening the past eight months from multiple people. I chose to interview four college women due to the fact that I was not able to receive word from anyone else. Young women have a large opinion on Trump.

As I am a young woman in college, I can relate to many of the answers that I was provided. The United States has changed quite a bit in the last eight months. Everyone has a different view. The ladies I interviewed stated their opinions exactly how they feel, and I am proud to present you with their answers.

1. Emma 23, Latina, Arlington Heights, IL.

1) What is your party?


2) How did you feel when Trump was inaugurated?

"Scared, I felt targeted. I am in the minority."

3) What were your thoughts when Trump replaced the healthcare bill?

Chose not to answer

4) What were your thoughts about Trump and trans soldiers?

"Ridiculous. What does it matter? Nobody should be turned away from serving our country."

5) Global warming? What are your thoughts?

"It's real.That's all I have to say."

6) Trump fired the head director for the FBI for "not being loyal"... how do you feel about that?

"I'm back and forth. The facts speak for itself."

7) What do think about his tweets?

"They're unprofessional and contradicting."

8) Is Trump actually a politician?

"He is not a politician. He is a misguided soul."

9) What do you think about his comments or feelings for women?

"I'm disgusted." *In reference to Ivanka*- "I wouldn't want my father saying something like that about me."

10) Should Trump be impeached?

"I don't know how to feel about it. I'm unsure of Pence."

Last words: "I hate that he likes Betsy DeVos."

2. Madison 22, Flanagan, IL, Democratic.

1) What is your party?


2) How did you feel when Trump was inaugurated?

"I voted for him. I didn't think he would win. I thought he could fix our economy."

3) What were your thoughts when Trump replaced healthcare?

"I knew it would happen. I didn't care too much. People are freaking out."

4) What were your thoughts about Trump and the trans soldiers?

"The reason wasn't well thought out."

5) What are your thoughts on global warming?

"It's a significant deal, and he doesn't have much of an opinion. I appreciate the effort."

6) Trump fired the Director of the FBI, how do you feel about that?

"The FBI protected Hillary. He should've given him more time."

7) What are your opinions on his tweets?

"It's awful. Our President should not be saying half of what he is putting on Twitter. He needs to stop."

8) Is Trump actually a politician?

"No, he is a smart businessman. He has a cut throat way of doing it all."

9) What do think of how he feels or treats women?

"He treats them as objects. He thinks they should be in the house. It sucks."

10) Should Trump be impeached?

"I am not there yet on my opinions. At some point maybe. I don't think we're going to let him get crazy out of line."

Last thoughts: "My biggest problem with him is kicking immigrants out. From a teacher perspective, having students come in and say what are you going to do about the fact that their parents are going to be shipped away. The kid is just going to go into the foster care system..... Betsy DeVos doesn't know the education system."

3. Hana Prana 19, White/Jew Normal, Illinois.

1) What is your party?

"Socialist Democrat, super left."

2) How did you feel when Trump was inaugurated?

"Extremely sad, petrified because of hate won in my eyes. It is sad. Not even hate, fear and hate won. He is promoting hate. He's dumb as hell."

3) What were your thoughts when Trump replaced the healthcare?

"I don't know much about the new bill. I do know Paul Ryan was trying to introduce a new bill. I don't mind paying extra for someone to have a surgery they need. He doesn't know what he's talking about."

4) What were your thoughts about Trump and the trans soldiers?

"It's another example of him running his mouth. Even the Republicans were surprised."

5) Global warming, what are your opinions?

"It's real... obviously. Science is real. Fox is fake. Listen to scientists. If you don't believe in global warming, you need to go back to school. He's not going to feel the effects of global warming, but I will."

6) Trump fired the Director of the FBI for not being loyal. What are your thoughts?

"Well, first of all, the FBI director shouldn't be faithful to any political power. Trump was being investigated about Russia."

7) What do you think about his tweets?

"Radical Islamic terrorists is racist. I think the real racist are white male Christians. I'm more scared of a white man at night than I am of a black man at night."

8) Is he a politician?

"No. He's a f-cking three-year-old who has gotten everything he wants in life. He is never held accountable. He isn't even a businessman. He's just a white dude with a lot of money."

9) How he feels about women, what do you think?

"Where do I even begin? He sees women as objects. It's obvious that he hates his wife. He's raped and/or groped people before."

10) Should he be impeached?

"No, Pence would be president, and that's worse. If Pence were president, he would be carrying out all that they are saying."

Last thoughts: Bernie would've won. We should either have an equalitarian or patriarchy. I want to love this country, but I can't right now. That's sad."

4. Anonymous 22, Bloomington, Illinois.

1) What is your party?

"I do not associate with a party. I choose which candidate I support based on their opinions and actions.

2) How did you feel when Trump was inaugurated?

"I felt despair, confusion, loss, and I knew that day was a low point in America's politics. I knew that our descendants will look back on this term and say "What were they thinking? How did they let someone like Trump into the highest office?"

3) What were your thoughts when Trump replaced the healthcare bill?

4) Did you have any strong opinions on Trump and the trans soldiers? "

"Once again I will say that Trump is an ignorant coward. He has no idea what it means when someone joins the Armed Forces. Trump doesn't respect all that the members of the military give up to protect us. Also, he's afraid of what he is unfamiliar with. He has no idea what a transgender person has gone through and what they will continue to go through the rest of their lives. These people are beyond brave; they are heroes that deserve to be honored and respected by everyone. Their entire lives they will fight against prejudice. They shouldn't have to stand up against the leader of the United States in order to keep their jobs and fight for their country."

5) What are your thoughts towards global warming?

"Global warming is absolutely a real thing. It's been going on for decades, and those that think it isn't happening are ignorant. The fact that Trump is trying to sweep it under the rug is not surprising to me. He's trying to do away with anything that isn't part of his personal agenda. "

6) Trump fired the director of the FBI. Do you have any thoughts on that?

"Once again this is an example of Trump's cowardice. He knew that the director was going to find several counts for which Trump could be impeached and of course Trump wasn't going to let that happen, so he got rid of the obstacle ."

7) What are your thoughts towards his tweets?

" I think that Trump's Twitter account is shit. I don't trust anything he says, and he uses Twitter as a facade and weapon when he is scared. "

8) Is Trump actually a politician?

"He most certainly is not a politician. If he didn't have a bunch of puppet masters controlling his political actions then MAYBE he could be considered a politician."

9) Do you have any opinions on his words or actions against women?

"He has ZERO respect for women. He is a sexist rat that uses his money, name, and jobs as an excuse to harass, assault, and abuse women. To make it even worse, he lies about all of this and thinks that these actions are okay. He has no remorse or regret. I don't understand how Ivanka and Melania can stand by him and permit him to act and speak in such a despicable manner. I think that Trump has a lot of blackmail and threats against many people, two of them being his wife and Ivanka. With the President of the United States behaving this way, it makes it much harder for the young men and boys in our country and the world to treat women with respect."

10) Should he be impeached?

"He absolutely needs to be impeached. He is a criminal. He does not deserve to be in the White House and all of the intelligent politicians need to work together to get Trump impeached. Tragically that would pull Pence into the office and so he would need to be impeached as well. That's a whole different conversation."

Last thoughts: ---

As I interviewed young women of college age, I realized there are similar feelings-which makes sense, but there are few comments that were different than others. If you go through again and look at the answers that I received you will notice I wanted to interview people of different races, genders, and age groups. I had a dominate age group of college kids and females. It's not uncommon to have similar thoughts or opinions as your peers.

The United States has gone through quite an amount since January 2017. The world of politics has only gotten crazier. The outrages and marches have become telvised more. And we are only eight months into this term.

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