You've seen if college majors were Taco Bell items and Thanksgiving foods but what about beers? Let's take a look, shall we? Some shouldn't be surprising.
Business - Budweiser
A classic beer, classic major, both will get the job done.
Communications - Bud Light
If business or darker beers aren't your thing, try communications for a little lighter fare Basically the little but equally popular brother of business.
Pre-Med - Blue Moon
Classy, sophisticated but still here to party through all the never-ending years of schooling.
Sports Medicine - Miller Lite
A fine bro's beer for a fine bro's major.
Nursing - Rita's
Small and strong, easy to drink and gets you drunk fast so you can get back to studying before clinicals.
Political Science - Angry Orchard
A little sweet and a little tart, just like politics. They'll even be able to up a mean argument about why cider should count as beer.
Graphic Design - Insert Local Craft Beer Here
Creative and different and unique. Totally hip. Enough said.
Literature - Pabst Blue Ribbon
Still undoubtedly hip, but just a little more lowkey.
Math - Guinness
You either love it, or you hate it, but you have to respect those who chose it.
Science - Yuengling
Tastes good going down, not so much coming back up, just like most general science knowledge.
Education - Sam Adams
Just like there are lots of different routes in education, there's a flavor of Sam's for everyone. (I'm betting Summer Shandy is their fav.)
Engineering - Stella Artois
Picking Stella at a college dive bar says "I try to make good choices." (or "I think I'm better than half of you.") basically, the same way picking engineering as your major does.
Psychology - Coors Light
After about the fifth or sixth can, they might start messing with your head, you might even start to feel like you're in the Rockies.
Agriculture - Busch Light
The beer of small town agriculturalists everywhere. We practically invented the phrase "Hold my beer and watch this."
Finance - Natty Light
It's cheap, perfect for those who care about money. Jk, it's associated with frat boys and frat boys are associated with finance.