Let’s face it, we hate being treated like children. College kids are in that awkward stage between “Mom, F this, I’m an adult I can do what I want” and “Please make me food.” As hard as we try to deny the truth, we are still kids. We eat ramen for breakfast, and I’m convinced that some of my friends still don’t know how to do laundry without soaping the entire laundry room. In fact, I would argue that being a college student is basically being an oversized kindergartner, and here’s why…
OK, so maybe the most unfortunate coincidence but probably most accurate is how both kindergartners and college kids drink a little too much. Though we are drinking different things, it’s the principal; if you drink too much too quick, you will puke. Another unfortunate coincidence is that sometimes we don’t make it to the bathroom.
Sometimes we need to be taken care of. We all need our mommies sometimes to take care of us if we’re sick, crying or just need a nap. Like a kindergartner needs to be held and loved and told that everything is going to be OK, college kids are no different.
We nap. A lot. Napping is a national pastime for any student, young or old. And the same thing happens if you wake us up from our naps; we will cry, scream and kick until you leave us alone to continue our mid-day slumber.
Every free moment of our lives is meant for snacking. Ramen, mac 'n cheese, Doritos, you name the junk food, we eat it. If we aren’t at class, we’re probably eating in the dining hall or eating in our room. Kindergartners need constant snacking because they’re growing. We’re kind of growing as we pack on the Freshman 15.
Hours upon hours of our lives are dedicated to watching TV. Maybe we aren’t watching "Dora" on Netflix, but "Making a Murderer" is pretty close.
So maybe we’ve grown up a little since the days we were two feet tall and out of diapers. At least, most of us have.