For all you One Tree Hill fans, I think we can agree that we would’ve loved to have someone like Coach Whitey Durham in our lives. Whitey was not only a basketball coach, but he was a mentor, a loving husband, and a friend. With years of life experience in both the good and the bad, his advice made every character a better person. Not only did his advice impact the characters, it even went beyond the show and inspired the viewers to find value in the most important things in life.
Peyton Sawyer:
“Everything happens for a reason” is a line that gets thrown around far too often when bad things happen. Whitey makes it clear that sometimes things don’t happen for a reason. But in everything that happens, there can be a reason to bring hope and healing to others. Our pain can be used for a greater good if we let it.
Stop waiting for “the right moment.” If you want to do something, don’t wait until you’re “ready.” The more you wait, the chances of you actually doing what you want become slimmer and slimmer. Sometimes thinking logically can be our biggest downfall. Life isn’t logical. And life won’t wait until you’re “ready.” Just remember that.
Lucas Scott:
“Hell, we're all afraid. What you gotta do is figure out what you're afraid of because when you put a face on it you can beat it. Better yet, you can use it.” Whitey made sure that Lucas knew, sometimes the greatest rewards come from doing what scares you the most. His advice might have been about basketball at the time, but Lucas carried this advice with him throughout everything else he faced in life.
Dan Scott:
Whitey dug deep down within his heart to find genuine and sympathetic advice to give to the man who put everyone through a living hell. To Dan Scott, the man who lost it all, Whitey gives him reassurance that he still has a noble and worthy purpose on this earth.
Nathan Scott:
Whitey took Nathan’s young marriage and used it as an opportunity to give him advice rather than judge him. Whitey told us that you never forget your first love. Fortunately for Nathan, his first and last love was Haley James Scott. It wasn’t always easy for them, but what made them so special was despite the hardships they endured, they always found their way back to each other because of their passion and love. That's marriage.
Last but not least, my personal favorite piece of advice.