Freedom has finally reached the terror-stricken city of Fallujah! After nearly two-and-a-half years of constant suffering and fighting under ISIS control, the Iraqi army was finally able to retake the entire city back.
After five long weeks of confrontation between ISIS fighters and Iraqi soldiers, the army was able to regain the entirety of the city and purge it from any and all ISIS extremist control.
It was with great joy that Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi gave his victory speech on Sunday announcing they had retaken the last ISIS-controlled district in Fallujah which meant that, at least for the moment, they are finally free from the terrorist group's control.
It seems that this may signal the end for ISIS' outrageous control of the country. Since the retaking of Fallujah seems to have restored faith in the Iraqi military and they are confident that it is just a matter of time before Mosul, one of Iraq's largest cities and the last major urban city in ISIS control, is also retaken from the Militant group.
According to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy's Michael Knights, it is only a matter of time before the Iraq military is able to retake their last remaining city from ISIS. When they do, ISIS' goal of creating a caliphate in Iraq will be will be rendered impossible; at least for the close future.
we can only hope that this well-earned victory in Iraq signals the end of ISIS' reign of terror and enforces the other areas in which the group still holds control to fight as hard as the Iraqis for freedom.