China's growth over the last 50 years has grown at an alarming rate, recording over 1 billion inhabitants in 2013. Almost 20 million of these people live in two of China's largest cities, Shanghai, and Beijing. This astronomical population growth and rapid rates of industrialization have caused severe environmental and pollution concerns. It is only now that the "800-pound-gorilla" is being addressed over the incredible pollution of this nation and here are eight things you should know.
1. The air pollution is bad. Really bad.
The quality of air in China is the equivalent of smoking 40 cigarettes (2 whole packs) a day. Remember in 2008, as Beijing hosted the Olympics, the air pollution was a danger to athletes participating in events like the marathon that they had to be held off until the air quality was at an acceptable level. The amounts are so bad that they are considered regionally hazardous.
2. Coal = bad news.
There is one word as to why the pollution is so bad. Coal. With mass industrialization comes the need for power. Where does this power come from? Coal. China alone is responsible for half the world's usage, and the effects are showing, in pollution.
3. The pollution is so bad that 4000 people are dying every single day.
An estimated 17 percent of China's population will die from air pollution complications annually. Living outside without protection, their life expectancy decreases by 20 minutes per hour. Alarming.
4. Pollution is not limited to the air.
You thought the air was bad, well, so is the water and the rivers. Chemicals and garbage spew into the nation's water supply. All of it being illegally dumped into rivers. Rivers are also becoming garbage disposals with tons of floating trash.
5. Pollution is changing weather climates, big time.
The pollution is so bad, it affects the weather. The biggest problem? Smog, a haze of smoke, along with many other pollutants, is looming over Chinese cities. Not to mention the acid rain and nuclear winters. This polluted air has even traveled across the Pacific, affecting the western US.
6. Landfills are literally mountains of trash.
Large cities plus many people and lots of waste equals over-filled landfills. These landfills contain literally everything, which eventually will and is getting out of control. Not surprisingly, this problem is most prominent in urban areas. Another contribution to the pollution is the methane emissions that the trash "lets out."
7. You should probably be concerned because this is only the beginning. The growth of China isn't slowing anytime soon, as it leaps and bounds towards the 21st century. This 800-pound-gorilla could become Godzilla in years to come. Things are bad, and they're not getting any better.