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Chadwick Boseman Died Too Young, But His Heroic Legacy Will Continue To Touch Lives Everywhere

Excuse me if I cry while yelling "Wakanda forever."

Chadwick Boseman Died Too Young, But His Heroic Legacy Will Continue To Touch Lives Everywhere

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After four years of fighting colon cancer, Variety and Deadline Hollywood reported that Chadwick Boseman, our beloved Black Panther, has lost the gruesome and tragic battle at 43 years old.

If this seems like a massive shock, I wouldn't say that's too surprising. While he portrayed a literal hero that fought in the most iconic battle scenes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he kept his battle with colon cancer a secret from the public.

As someone who has family members who are cancer survivors, I can understand how you wouldn't want people to know simply because you don't want to be treated differently — especially on a worldwide platform.

You don't want your loved ones, your fans, to remember the hardships that you faced, to see you weak, or label you with the C-word. You want them to remember all the good — the memories you made, the laughs and smiles that you shared, your accomplishments, your strengths, etc.

Boseman was diagnosed in 2016 and "Black Panther" was released in 2018 — just put that into perspective.

While he was enduring the fight of his life, he kept pushing himself for his family, friends, and fans. He wanted to persevere and as a result, he brought King T'Challa, Jackie Robinson, Stormin' Norman, and many other iconic roles to life, and we should remember him for that and all the good he's done.

Chadwick Boseman's family posted on his Twitter account to inform everyone of the tragic and shocking news shortly after to notify his fans:

After the news was released, countless Marvel fan pages started spreading the word, giving their condolences, and remembering him the best way they know how.

Personal Screenshot

Marvel and DC comics released their condolences and shared the news on their various social media outlets as well. Even in the great comic rivalry, it's refreshing to know that the opposite fandoms can come together when it's important.

Marvel Comics Twitter 

DC Comics Twitter

My deepest condolences go out to Boseman's friends, family, and loved ones. I know that you'll be flooded with love and well-wishes and that the MCU (and DC) will stand behind you all during this difficult time.

As for the 2020 curse, that can come to an abrupt halt at any time now.

Rest in peace, Chadwick, and say it with me everyone; Wakanda Forever!

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