Choosing a pet can be a difficult decision. There are many options and factors to consider when getting a pet. Pets are a big responsibility and depending on the type of pet, they can be a lifetime commitment. If you are looking for a long time friend, you may want to consider a dog or a cat as your companion. Cats can live up to fifteen years and dogs, depending on the breed, do too. You should make sure that you are at a stable point in your life before you decide to support another. Here are some of the best reasons that cats make good pets.
1. Cats are very easy to take care of.
While you should never choose a pet because it is easy, cats are a lot easier to take care of than dogs. Instead of having to take your pet out for a walk and letting it out to use the bathroom, you just have to clean a litter box. You would be picking up poop if you walked your dog, this way, it is all in one place. Also, if you need to travel, cats are not as high maintenance as dogs, and it is much easier to find a friend to feed your cat than it is to have a friend watch a dog. Also it is cheaper to board a cat if you choose that route.
2. Cats are very cuddly.
Even though some cats like their space, once they get to know you, they will love you unconditionally in their own way. They may act a little crazy every now and then but, that is where all of those funny YouTube cat videos come from. Some people worry that cats do not love their humans as much as dogs. However, in my experience, cats wait by the door when they hear you coming home, just like dogs do.
3. Cats are fun to play with, and they love you no matter who you are.
As long as you take care of them they will take care of you. Cats are great creatures and so many need homes so if you are looking for a pet, adopt a cat.