I’m about to let you in on a little secret, I’m kind of a nerd. I’m a nerd in the whole likes to read, remembers way too many random facts and gets obsessed with random things way. The first thing I remember being obsessed with was "Star Wars" and Princess Leia. I was the kid at daycare that would have very serious light saber fights and win. Where some saw a golden bikini, I saw poise and leadership.
Princess Leia was my role model and as I grew I realized how independent, strong and quite honestly badass Carrie Fisher was as a woman. When I researched her, I came to know that she struggled with addiction and mental illness as well. She came to be my Bipolar mentor. Throughout the therapy sessions and medication changes, I would think to myself if Princess Leia can handle this, so can I.
When I heard of Carrie Fisher’s passing, I was shocked. This woman who had survived so much was taken by a heart attack on a plane. She soared on the Millennium Falcon with no problem but a plane was her demise?! Immediately, after her death articles started popping up like this one where people wrote that her speaking up about her vices gave them strength to speak up. Reading those articles made me realize I wasn’t alone in my support of Carrie Fisher.
I haven’t kept my mental illnesses a secret but I haven’t exactly broadcasted them either. The reason why is that mental illnesses are deeply personal and there is a stigma that comes with them. Alas, I’m coming clean. I have Bipolar Disorder, anxiety and borderline tendencies. There, I said it. I am stable and I am medicated. I have a family that supports me and will pick me up when my mental stability declines. I am blessed to have the resources I need.
The year is 2017 but the stigma of mental illnesses still exist. How about we all join together to have the stigma die with Carrie Fisher? Let’s not have the next aspiring Jedi succumb to their own mind? One in every five people has a mental illness, it’s about time that we start treating them like any other illness. People can live a long and fulfilling life with mental illness and I am proof.