Every college student has had a roommate at some point in their time at college. Whether you were randomly assigned a roommate freshman year, or decided to room with your best friend from high school, everybody has had at
least one. Having a roommate can be the best time of your life, or the worst. If you lucked out, and live with someone who never leaves a mess and
always respects your personal space, then you won the lottery. Some
people are not so fortunate. From stealing food to always being loud when
you are trying to sleep, there are many ways a roommate situation can go from
bad to worse.
There are infinite ways a roommate can be classified as terrible. Here are the five of the most common types of terrible
roommates you are likely to encounter.
1. Rando. This roommate is the kind you had to Facebook stalk because you had never met them. You were randomly assigned, or you needed to fill the
extra bedroom in order to pay your rent. A random roommate can be a
curse or a blessing; there is no in between. Best case scenario -- they are never
2. Neat freak. This is the kind of roommate who yells at you for leaving two
dirty dishes in the sink, or because you forgot to take out the trash. They hate clutter and
the thought of you having a party makes them cringe because people might spill
something, God forbid.
3. Messy. The polar opposite of the neat freak. This roommate does not mind if
the dishes haven’t been washed in two weeks, or they accidentally spilled soda
and did not bother to clean it up. That's what ants are for, right? They
don’t know how to run the dishwasher and probably have never touched a vacuum
in their life. Don’t even think about trying to get into the death
trap they call their room.
4. Thief. “Your phone charger? Oh, I have no idea where it went.” When your
things start to disappear, this roommate is the culprit. It starts out with
things you didn’t even recognize you lost: pencils, bottle opener, etc. Then, it
becomes more serious when all of a sudden your TV is missing. Thank, God, for
5. No pets allowed. Their dog is all cute and fluffy until it starts eating your shoes, peeing on the carpet, and leaving stains galore. This roommate cannot imagine living without their pet, but you can. Pets are messy, but this roommate overlooks that detail because of its puppy-dog eyes.