As most of you know from what I wrote in "I'm not ready, but I'm ready," I said that I was ready to take a chance and be in a relationship again. But if you didn't know that and before you go any further in this, you can read it here.
I am at a loss here. I thought that by showing my "soft side", I would have landed something by now. And yet here I am, sitting at the computer writing this. I never thought it would be hard to find a girlfriend, but I have quickly found out that it is. I'm not complaining, but I am a little frustrated. I get that I have done things that aren't by any means the greatest and I have accepted it, but the people who hold my fairly distant past against me truly grind my gears. But again, this isn't about them. Well, mostly.
I pose this question, what does a guy have to do to get a date around here? I mean seriously? I couldn't even get a date to my uncle's bands concert! I know, I'm not the funniest guy, or the smartest, or the best looking. But I'm kind. I'm caring. I can sing. I love my family. I go to church on Sunday's. I say "sir", "ma'am", "please" and "thank you". I do my best to make the right first impression with parents. I don't drink too much, I don't smoke. I may listen to my music a little too loud, and have some over the top friends and family, but that makes me who I am.
What more do I have to do? I'm an outgoing person when you get to know me. But when I don't know you, I'll continue to not know you until someone makes a move. It's not that I'm scared, I just don't want to come off as an idiot. That usually happens to me.
Through all this, I've decided, I'm going to remake 'Flavor of Love'. Yeah, I said it. I'm clearly not having any luck with anything else. And I know by now you're probaly laughing at me, thinking that I'm being extremely irrational but whatever. Y'all don't know me. This is my life, and if I want to go on some fake dating show where I'll date like 25 women at a time, then marry one of them, and then eventually get divorced after a couple months, I'll do it. Alright, so I'm kidding about the whole 'Flavor of Love' thing. I'll probably end up applying to be on the next 'Bachelorette', or applying to be the next 'Bachelor' either one works for me. But until then, I'll stick to Tinder and Bumble.