7 Things That Happen In The Campus Library After Dark
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Student Life

7 Things That Happen In The Campus Library After Dark

It's no secret that working hard in college pays off, but during the darkest (and quietest) hours in the lib, odd things start to happen- no matter who you are.

7 Things That Happen In The Campus Library After Dark

If there are any universal consensuses a collegiate school body could come to, they're: 1. What happens in a frat basement should under no circumstance ever leave 2. Food after 1 am is always better and 3. The campus library is basically a graveyard of dignity, motivation and tears. Personally, I was a weird kid and adored going to the library. However, coming to college not only altered that- it took my vision of a pretty place to get books and relax, to a gag worthy location where I've spent god knows how many hours per week going bat sh*t crazy. More importantly, every college student knows there's two types of studying. First off, there's the lib during the day. Here, you're still semi sane, surrounded by half of the school body who are all on the verge of a mental breakdown too. There's still hope knowing your favorite food joint is open to run to in a post half ass studying celebration (thank you No Thai). Secondly, there's the lib at night. I'm not talking dinner time.. These are things you can only relate to if you have experienced the darkest hours caged within the library walls between 12 and 5 am.

1. The "Come Down"

This is also known as the holy f*ck it's late, or the sad moment of acknowledging how long you've actually been planted in the same wooden chair staring at your 5,000 word essay due in 2 hours.. Of which you've successfully written your name and heading, along with 16 pages of new tattoo ideas and perfected signatures.

2. Hunger Strike

Nobody likes dealing with a hungry person, especially a stressed out, on edge, hangry college student who's coming to the conclusion after 10 hours of cramming he still knows less than nothing. Oh, and to top it all off, that bomb food place probably isn't open. Looks like you're stuck with a box of freshly microwaved "chicken wings" from the gas station, good looks.

3. Forever Alone

Unlike daytime studying, where you secretly get your happiness from the loads of people suffering with you- during the middle of the night, it's a different story. You have watched person after person do the victory pack up and leave you for the past 3 hours. Snapchat happily reminds you that while you're on the verge of tears, Timmy is at his favorite bar; Lucy is eating a pound of fries; and even your dog is having a relaxing night. It's okay- you never loved them anyway. Lol. It's really fine. You don't care. You're happy for them. Libraries are where you prefer to spend Friday nights.

4. Anything is Better Than Studying

After a while of being locked up, alone, and hungry, your brain starts to come up with things that sound a hell of a lot better than learning. For instance, bungee jumping, climbing Mt. Everest, or scuba diving to pet sharks.

5. Who am I and Why am I Here

Watching 12 hours of lecture straight has left no room in your brain for things unimportant to your studying, like your birthday.. relationship.. peeing.. or breathing. But hey, most importantly your brain still hugs the ultimate truth middle school uncovered: the mitochondria really is the powerhouse of the cell. Facts.

6. Reevaluation of all Things Life

It doesn't matter how far into school you are. It could be your first essay, last finals season, or anywhere in between- after countless hours studying, looking out into the dark, your brain is convinced your career path is not for you. It could look somewhat like this: *4:30 am* Why should I care about the earth anyway right?? Apparently global warming isn't real, so my environmental degree can find the nearest cliff and jump. Maybe I'll rip up this essay, drop out, and become an alpaca farmer. Okay I'm doing it, guess I should text mom. Yeah, spitting animals are my passion.

7. Beautiful Distractions

Hours into your work, you snap back into it only to realize you've found yourself on your best friend's-ex's-mom's-coworker's- daughter's- hot cousin's Facebook page she made for her fish Ferny. You don't know how or when it happened, or why you're 3 years deep in the TL, but you 10/10 would do it again.

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