Calling Upon An Enlightened Deep State
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Calling Upon An Enlightened Deep State

The US Deep State's Obsession With The Russian Boogeyman Will Risk Civil War, World War, and Human Extinction If They Fail To Defend All The Peoples Of The United States From The White Nationalist/Supremacist Threat To National Security.

Calling Upon An Enlightened Deep State
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It must be stated that the following is not a dismissal or rejection of the idea that Russian involvement might have been involved in the 2016 election cycle. Any actions taken by the Russian state should be considered blowback from our own policies; not hostile aggression. The responsibility for the outcome of the election is largely due to domestic accountability, or lack there of. As it has been pointed out on numerous occasions by many individuals of influence such as Senator Bernie Sanders "Republicans did not win, Democrats lost". With this in mind, we must recognize that the perception of a Russian boogeyman is artificially being used to distract against the hostile elements that have taken positions of power in the nation through illegitimate means.

Steve Bannon declared at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February 2017 that the function of the Trump administration is the "deconstruction of the administrative system". This is a direct threat to the security of persons on a level not seen in our history. Entire governmental branches and agencies responsible for the well-being of our entire citizenry is being destroyed with the human toll yet to be realized. The month since Trump's election has destabilized the US from its position as a global leader, and it is rapidly destabilizing as a competent functioning government. Bannon continued his declaration by stating that he and his allies were at war and had to fight every day. This war is a psychological delusion that is being waged against the peoples of the United States, not a hostile element internal or external to the United States. The inherent nature of the multicultural nation of the Union of States that came together to form a collective federal government is the enemy of Bannon and his allies; who have repeatedly proven to have strong ties with white nationalist/supremacist philosophies. These forces in one form or another, since the day of the birth of the United States, has weaken the integrity of the federal government. This hostile takeover of the federal government by these antithetical mentalities of racial supremacy now threaten not only civil war but world war and global extinction. Their beliefs are not based in reality and actively threaten our species with suicidal destruction, whether by rejecting climate change or destroying safety regulations like preventing industrial toxins being dumped in our nation's water and ecosystems.Their beliefs also relies on employing the Madman theory when dealing with foreign powers; and invoking an increasingly militaristic foreign policy based on unilateral decisions.

The Deep State has to make some serious decisions, it can either cease the asininity of trying to draw a conflict with the Russian boogyman and aid the citizens in their plight towards securing constitutional rights and the rights of life, liberty, and happiness. Or it can continue its apathetical push towards a Russian-US conflict, destroying the essence of the United States in the process through its ignorance and unwillingness to recognize the situation fully. The choice is not simply with the leaderships of the institutions that make up the Deep State; but with the every day working people who make those institutions function and who uphold the codes of conduct and ethics required for institutional responsibility and competency in a functioning civilization. Time will tell whether or not they wise up and aid the peoples of the United States, or let Rome burn for the sake of their own power play. The choice remains in their hands.

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