When you live in California and the meteorologist predicts “sunshine,” you better have your umbrella ready because the weather flips in a blink of an eye. And when the forecast calls for “rain and thunder” you might as well bring your sandals and shorts because it won’t rain for 2 months; it’s unpredictable. Good or bad, every Californian has an opinion about the sporadic weather, but we all experience the same sorts of things. Here are some situations that most Californians have experienced at one point or another.
- When “So, how about that weather?” is actually a legitimate conversation starter instead of an indicator of an awkward encounter.
- When dressing in the morning becomes a research project that needs extensive review of the anticipated weather movements and temperatures using online cold front maps.
- When it hasn’t rained for so long that you actually forgot what the sound of raindrops falling on your roof sound like.
- When you walk into a movie when it’s sunny and 90 degrees outside, but when you leave the theater its 55 degrees, dark, and raining.
- When you drive 20 minutes away and the weather is completely different than the place you just came from.
- When you have an extra pair of sandals and a sweater in your car at all times, just in case.
- When your car has been sitting under the hot California sun too long and you grab the steering wheel and your hands instantly melt upon contact.
- When you’re wearing a sweater, but it’s all of a sudden hellishly hot outside so you angrily tie your jacket around your waist like a tourist while cursing out the weatherman for lying to you.
- When even with all of the troubles California weather brings, you still wouldn’t choose to live anywhere else because California is awesome.