Welcome to Browning Bar. My name is David Farrelly, and allow me to take you into the realm of sushi!
Today, we are making college-level sushi (legitimate sushi I make on a weekly basis takes a lot more time and material). Follow the steps and you will be able to make your own!
You need:
Microwave Sushi Rice (Auntie Chun's works the best)
Rice Vinegar
(Mix rice and vinegar together to make it slightly stickier and tasty)
Cured Salmon
To cure salmon:
Curing Salmon Video by Food Wishes
I do not own the rights nor any of the pieces of this publication. I include its link to help the reader of this article and not to help my own self.
"Sakura" by R3hab
I do not own the rights of the music nor do I intend to establish myself in any way, shape, or form that I am part of the production, publication, and distribution of this track. Usage of this music is under YouTube's Fair Use policy, and I grant the right to strike, remove, and/or mute this video due to the music within by the artist, YouTube, or the owning recording studio.