The shows ends August 6th! Get your tickets here.
If you live and breathe theater then you have stumbled onto your own personal Eden.
Welcome to my writing series "Broad Way Lovers: Let Me Get You Off," where I'll be discussing my experience with Off-Broadway shows in the Big Apple.
There are no spoilers below!
I had the pleasure to go see the new musicalHimself and Nora at the Minetta LaneTheatre, an intimate venue in Greenwich Village. The moment I walked into the theatre I was already greeted by smiling faces. The atmosphere in Greenwich Village felt a bit more suburbanized, which was great for a New Jerseyan like me.
I was also able to meet the cast, the playwright Jonathan Brielle, and the producer Cherie King. The conversations I had with these amazing minds would never be an opportunity, had I gone to a Broadway showcase. The talent in the musical is more than comparable to Broadway Actors today; based on what I saw, the passion was even more powerful. I fell in love with Nora, and learned to love-hate James Joyce.
It was only a few minutes into the musical that my mouth was hanging.
1. The musical numbers will surprise you.
I can't tell you how much pain my face was in, after I walked out of the show. I absolutely could not stop smiling. Jonathan Brielle's work had me in awe with his pieces; I was tapping my foot the entire time and couldn't wait for the next number. The show revolves around James Joyce and his wife Nora and is filled with Irish heritage and music.
2. The sexual innuendos are be very much appreciated!
The chemistry between the two mains characters is borderline unbelievable. The sexual puns and jokes will have you smiling from ear to ear.
3. You don't realize how much history that you are learning! #thankyou
Before watching Himself and Nora, I knew little about James Joyce. The musical taught me about his life, his struggles, and his love for Ireland.
4. You'll laugh and cry all at the same time
The sarcastic and moving moments work together perfectly together, and will have you on the edge of your seat.
5. The cast is so many types of fierce and fabulous.
When life gives you lemons, you write an amazing musical and cast the absolute best people you can find. The show features 12 characters, but only has a five member cast. Each character is so unique and well played, that you'd think the triple casted actors has two other dopplegangers. Here are the listed actors and their characters: Matt Bogart: James Joyce, Whitney Basher: Nora Joyce, Michael McCormick: John Joyce and Erza Pound; Lianne Marie Dobbs: Harriet Weeaver and Sylvia Beach, Zachery Prince: Priest, Giorgio, ensemble.
6. You'll need some time to process all of the amazing that you just witnessed.
You won't know what to do with all of the emotions once you step out of the Minetta Lane Theater.
So, what are you waiting for? Purchase your tickets now!