What It's Like To Be A Book Nerd In College | The Odyssey Online
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What It's Like To Be A Book Nerd In College

11 Struggles of the College Bibliophile

What It's Like To Be A Book Nerd In College

If you're like me then you know the struggle of being OBSESSED with literature of all kinds.

Books are such an easy, compact form of entertainment, and they make for a perfect escape from actual, adult responsibilities.

But every hobby has its pitfalls, and despite reading being probably the best hobby out there, it's definitely no exception. Especially if you're in college.

These are just a few of the problems I've faced as a college bibliophile:

1. Being tempted to buy a book when you have no money.

We all know the sad story of the poor college student. Tuition isn't cheap. Attempting to lead a semi-normal social life is hard enough without adding books to the list of expenses.

2. Buying a ludicrous amount of books in one trip - because why not!

Despite being basically broke, you somehow manage to find yourself toting a stack of books back to your room. Not even sorry, because you know books are always totally worth it!

3. Running out of space for said books.

If you thought you had trouble making room for your reads at home, good luck at college! Not only do you have to pick and choose which precious books to abandon at home while you're off getting an education, each new buy has to be crammed into any available space in your dorm. Hopefully your roommates are understanding of your addiction.

4. Blowing off friends to read.

College is a busy time. You've heard the saying: "Good grades, enough sleep, social life. Pick two." In this humble bookworm's opinion, that list of three is missing one crucial element. You guessed it - reading! Sometimes in order to make time to read (because in college, you'll find there is very little), you've got to rearrange your schedule. If that means spending Friday night in once in a while to catch up on your TBR pile, your friends would totally understand.

5. You spend your weekends (and all of your money) at Barnes and Noble.

Or another bookseller of some kind. College is the best time to expand your horizons, and that includes reading! Stumbling upon an out-of-the-way used bookstore is the perfect opportunity to explore different genres and happen upon that little gem you never knew you wanted to read. New books are therapeutic (plus, they smell really good).

6. Ignoring textbooks for fun reads.

Textbooks are the ugly twin brother of everything we bibliophiles hold near and dear. Occasionally, something of interest can be dug out of them, but in general you prefer to skim their contents so you can get back to the good stuff - your recent purchases from the bookshop on the corner. Because, priorities!

7. You begin to speak in the dialect of your latest read.

Sometimes you can become so engrossed in the current book you're reading, everything you see and hear becomes a reference back to that book and you can even start talking the same way the characters do. It can make for some pretty entertaining, albeit confusing, moments throughout the day.

8. Few people understand your obsession.

For all the non-book lovers, your addiction to reading can seem a bit over the top. They can't understand why anyone would want to read more than what's required for classes. And that's okay! Not everyone has to get it. You know why you love to read, and that's all that matters.

9. Books set relationship expectations far too high - leaving us all high and dry in the romance department.

Who doesn't want picnic dates, candlelit dinners, rose bouquets, or a boyfriend (and/or girlfriend) who would break the rules society has set in place to be with you? Unfortunately, life isn't nearly as romantic as books will have you believe. For one who reads as much as you do, no one will ever reach the expectations you have ascribed to your future mate. But just because you can't find a literal Mr. Darcy in reality, that doesn't mean a worthy person won't make their way into your life.

10. Everyday life gets boring when compared to the books you've been reading.

When you go from reading about a high speed pursuit of an escaped murderer in the woods to sitting through a lecture on accounting, your brain can have some trouble adjusting. And no offense to your friends, but having lunch with them between classes really can't hold a candle to the literary escapades swimming about your busy, imaginative mind.

11. There will never be enough time in the world to read all the books you want.

Despite having the university library at your fingertips, adult responsibilities and life in general will prevent you from ever making your way through it. You may find some time here and there to read a few books throughout your college career, but the odds are you won't ever be able to read all the books you wish you could. But that won't stop you from trying!

But hang in there!

Because this college thing doesn't last forever (even if it sometimes feels that way). In a few years you'll be out in the real world with a real career, and you'll have even less time to read!

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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