For any sorority girl, bid day is like Christmas, your birthday, Spring Break, and every other exciting thing in the world altogether at once. It's a big deal. Not going to lie, it's overwhelming. Very overwhelming. But at the end of the day, all you'll be able to think about is how excited you are for bid day next year. So what is bid day really like?
There is screaming and a lot of it. A lot is an understatement. I lost my voice in the first 10 minutes. From the time they read you the bid list to saying goodbye, talking at normal voice levels doesn't exist. We scream everything.
Fun Clothes
Break out your lodge box, because you and every girl on your hall needs crazy leggings, a tutu, a fanny pack, flash tats, and fun socks.
A whole lot of it. Every inch of your skin that is visible will in some way receive glitter. Glitter hairspray, face glitter, body glitter, glitter lips, glitter eyes, glitter everything.
This is the biggest celebration of the year. It's pretty much the biggest party of the year. The only thing louder than the screaming is the music you're dancing to nonstop.
A lot of staring and weird looks
You're most likely going to a bid day activity somewhere, and everyone will be wondering who the crazy girls are. Sorry, we're just excited about our new sisters!
Through all the craziness it will probably be one of the best days of your life. You'll look back at the million pictures you took and always remember the feelings you experienced that day.
So much love
Nothing beats the feeling of coming home. It's a feeling you'll never forget, along with the amount of love you felt that day. The only time you'll feel that much love again is at your wedding, and you already know who will be standing there next to you when the day comes. It's not four years -- it's for life.