6. "Not Gonna Die" by Skillet | The Odyssey Online
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10 Songs To Remind You You're Not Alone, Even On Your Worst Days

Those songs where the emotion is so vibrant you start to relate to the artist. Where you remember that you're not the only one dealing with the lovesick emotions.


Everyone has those special days. Those days where they can not get out of bed or feel as if the world is collapsing on them. I personally would constantly have those types of days, and I absolutely hate it. But I do have Spotify, iTunes, or any sort of music app that helps me get through the day. I recommend these 10 songs that can help you get through life if you ever feel like you're in one of those moods. Because, believe me, it will happen, and when it does, you tend to want to get out of it.

1. "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace

This emotional heavy metal pop rock song will shake you up from within, letting you recognize the deep emotions of the artist. Other than that, it is also catchy.

2. "Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace

Another all-time favorite by Three Days Grace. If you haven't heard of this song already, I suggest you press the play button above. This song demonstrates that everyone has a demon within, and it will probably convince you that your bad days are nothing but very normal. Next time you think you're a monster, remember that this song exists.

3. "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence

THIS SONG IS NOT A JOKE NOR A MEME. Honestly, I hate it when people bash this song. It honestly brings me to life on my worst days, on those days when I feel unmotivated to do anything in general. It's catchy. It's goth rock. What's not to like?

4. "Complicated" by Avril Lavigne

Here's a classic song about people changing. Avril makes a good point about how people shouldn't change for others. And neither should you! Keep laying in bed and watch Netflix all day. Ignore the haters!

5. "Awake and Alive" by Skillet

It's there in the title. This song wakes you up like a shot of espresso. No need to go to Starbucks and spend those five bucks.

6. "Not Gonna Die" by Skillet

You know those moments where you feel like everything is pushing down on you, and that you gotta do everything you can to not get suffocated? Yeah, that's one of the benefits of being a college student. You feel like dying. Not literally. But mentally with all of those midterms piling up. This song gets your shit together.

7. "Fire Meet Gasoline" by Sia

Fire and gasoline. What do both of those have in common? The ability to burn when they are together. What does that have to do with anything? Well, it's just something that keeps you going.

8. "Wasting All These Tears" by Cassadee Pope

Ever wanna cry so much you feel those tears dripping down your chin? This song can help you with that. Even if you're not in a relationship with a cheater, this song can help you let all those emotions out.

9. "Angel in Blue Jeans" by Train

Those songs where you feel like you're floating. This song is the perfect example. It can make you forget about all the things you need to do, and it pulls you into the music video as you follow a forbidden couple.

10. "Call Out My Name" by The Weeknd

Ah. Those songs where the emotion is so vibrant you start to relate to the artist. Where you remember that you're not the only one dealing with the lovesick emotions.

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