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Student Life

The 8 Best Things About Marshall University

A tale about a charming university with eight specific charms that make it shine even more!

The 8 Best Things About Marshall University
Christopher Swires

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Marshall University can allegedly be considered the most beautiful campus in West Virginia. It has been making history since its establishment in 1836, 27 years before West Virginia became its own state. Further history was made in 1970 with the unfortunate football players' plane crash with an accompanying documentary that granted the famous "We are...MARSHALL!" chant. AS the years go by, the university continues to grow in terms of size, population, history, and innovation! However, there are some major charms within the university that have been around for years and will continue to shine for years to come, specifically eight of them.

1. Old Main

Old Main is one way to (virtually) time travel to the past


Not only does Old Main have a traditional medieval design on the outside and virtually anything you need in order to apply, register, and graduate on the inside, it is also chock full of history and plenty of peaceful hallways and offices to discover, meet helpful people in, and refer to for anything important such as financial aid, counseling, or traveling abroad. And let's not forget about the unique staircases, the historic phone booth on the first floor (which is perfect for those phone calls or just a little bit of alone time), or the photographs that depict what Old Main looked like before the 20th century!

2. The West Virginia Autism Training Center

Students with ASD can get all of the help that they need while enjoying the unique Marshall experience!


The West Virginia Autism Training Center was the main thing that inspired me to attend Marshall. As an individual with ASD, I have always been known for being a hard worker and producing excellent work, but I have differences such as socializing and different ways of working. Therefore, I found out about the WVATC in 2014, and I attended their summer program before I graduated high school, and it allowed me to make many friends and gave me a great start to college! I stayed with it for my freshman and sophomore years and the people who are willing to help and say hi anytime are amazing.

3. The Memorial Fountain

The Memorial Fountain casts beauty anytime during the day

Christopher Swires

Needless to say, I have countless pictures of this fountain alone. I do have early morning pictures with it lit up (which is also a pretty stunning view), but I feel as if you get the full, fresh effect during the day, complete with the surrounding flowers and green tarnish to portray the character. It is another example of Marshall's charming history, based on the 1970 plane crash, which was not charming in itself, but it added more history and significance to the university.

4. The Arthur Weisburg Engineering Complex

Fresh on the outside, chic on the inside


The WAEC first opened for students and professors in Fall 2015. As luck would have it, that happened to be my first full time semester at Marshall University, and I ended up having a class there. Even three years later, it is the perfect addition to the charming history, and the modernization and technological innovation on the inside are still more than enough to keep any students from English majors to Computer Science majors content with comfort, innovation, and plenty of places to complete work and cast it onto a big screen television in the hallway! And as a bonus, there are sitting areas at the end of each hallway along with an adjacent outdoor area for fresh air!

5. Marshall Cru

The best way to start believing in Christ and bond with friends


As somebody who has grown up with Christian parents who have attended church off and on, I have always found myself believing somewhat in Christ, yet I felt as if I could be closer, as to being able to read and comprehend the Bible and make friends with similar beliefs in the process. It is open to anybody at anytime during the semester, but the best way to get a head start is to attend the Mixer, which is on the Saturday before the fall semester starts. I attended it thinking that it was just another campus event, and I left having even more friends and opportunities than I had ever anticipated. Granted, it is not like a church service, but it is certainly the place to start if you want to start believing in Christ and getting to know the Bible!

6. The Buffalo Statue

What's better to put in the middle of a circle besides our mascot?

Christopher Swires

Right around Holderby Hall and the tennis courts, there is another well executed addition: a brass buffalo statue. It is smartly situated within the middle of a circle surrounded by a seating area and copious bushes and flowers. Not only is it another perfect charm and nice picture taking spot, but it is also a nice way to integrate the mascot and add subtle character to campus.

7. The Recreation Center

The Rec is a place full of opportunity and potential, both for your body and spirit!


The Recreation Center is about to hit its decade year old mark, and I could honestly not imagine Marshall University without it! It is a substantial architecture on the outside, complete with various windows and sharp angles for an eye catching look, but the inside is where the true charm really shines. Complete with four basketball courts, three racquetball courts, a full sized pool and hot tub, any exercise equipment that you could ever ask for, and a track that wraps around the uppermost floor, it is a very well executed gym for anybody to do anything they please to keep themselves in shape. And I am proud to say that it is my first place of employment, and I absolutely enjoy working there!

8. The football stadium

The Thundering Herd is the best football team for a charming university!


Last but not least, what would college be without football? The Joan C. Edwards stadium is a massive, ergonomic, bright stadium with the right amount of seating and Marshall logos to add the right amount of character. Complete with songs that reference thunder and all kinds of refreshments, Marshall games are something to be fully cherished!

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