When I was in fifth grade, our family was permanently altered, and no I'm not talking about the passing of my beloved hamster, Bubbles. When I was in fifth grade, I met the love of my life.
It was a cold January night. I remember it like it was yesterday. I went along with Mom and Dad to get you from the airport. You were a tiny, little puppy covered with dark brown fur patches, so timid and shy. Your eyes were so expressive, even then.
But, it didn’t take long for you to reveal your silly, blonde self.
To the puppy who stole my heart nine years ago, I am still trying to figure out how that can be. From getting skunked multiple times (five times) to getting attacked by animals twice, to ripping down the gutters off the side of the house (and then dragging multiple plastic replacement ones to miscellaneous places around the lawn), to taking a big poop on Dad’s desk when we were gone too long and opening doors to pee on whoever had left you home alone last’s bed.
There is no one quite like you, and I couldn't love you more. (There is also no one else I would clean up pee, vomit and poop for, either.)
Thank you for teaching me the meaning of unconditional love. For never failing to greet me whenever I come home with open paws, slobbery licks and extremely high jumps. Thank you for going into my room when I am at college and peeing on my floor. I mean it;it's nice to know you haven't forgotten me. Thank you for cuddling with my sister when she is sick and I can't be there. Thank you for sleeping with Mom when Dad is away. Thank you for long walks and being a fan favorite at home. Thank you for making everyone’s day better just by existing.
A special thank you for surviving a bear attack and a punctured lung, for making my bathing suit top fall down in front of 15-year-old boys, for never talking back and being there when words are not needed, for understanding the power of a cuddle and the beauty of silence. For being my shoulder to cry on, the best listener (I think it really helps you can't talk back) and the best furry sister I could of ever asked for. For keeping my company and missing me always.
Thank you for being so aloof it hurts, for never staying mad and for loving hiking as much as me (probably more, actually).
To the one who taught me what it means to love unconditionally, who loves me regardless of my appearance and who always greets me like I am the best thing she has ever seen. I love you more than I could ever put into words, but I will certainly always try (even though, you don't understand them).
To the best thing that's ever been mine and has become a member of our family. You make every day better and brighter, you are the constant light in my life. Sometimes I come home just to see you (don’t tell Mom). You're the family favorite, and I thank you for making our house a home.
You are the best part about home and the last part I want to leave.
Your grateful human