3. When she crashed Jughead's party to spill some secrets. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Times Cheryl Blossom Was Colder Than Jason's Body In Sweetwater River

She isn't called the Ice Queen for nothing.

cheryl blossom

The Blossoms are certainly fierce and cutthroat, but Cheryl takes the cake. ("Riverdale" spoilers ahead!)

1. When she kicked her own minions off of the River Vixens.


After a competition between Veronica and Cheryl, the rest of the River Vixens voted on who was better. After two of Cheryl's minions didn't vote, either way, Cheryl kicked them off the team for their refusal to support her.

2. When she almost choked her mother to death.


After Penelope is hospitalized from running into her burning mansion, Cheryl visits and threatens her. To illustrate that her threat holds water, she constricts her mother's breathing tube.

3. When she crashed Jughead's party to spill some secrets.


Though only the inner-circle were the only ones invited, Cheryl invited not only herself but also the whole school. Then, she proceeded to spill the inner circle's secrets to them.

4. When she burned down her own house.


Slightly before the hospital scene, Cheryl regains her mind enough to know that she wanted to start anew. Which, as we all know, includes burning down your parents' estate. Dousing her mansion with gasoline, she made sure the Sugarman could no longer walk those halls.

5. When she coaxed Archie and Veronica into 7 Minutes in Heaven to torture Betty.


At the beginning of the series (and perhaps through it), Betty is head over heels for Archie. When the raven-haired vixen named Veronica moves to town, the trio goes to Cheryl's gathering. When the bottle lands on Veronica, Cheryl pressures them to go through with it, knowing it'll hurt Betty.

6. When she decided to wear white at Jason's memorial.


After being told that she was the reason for Jason's death and forbidden from giving a eulogy, Cheryl decides to wear the outfit that she last saw Jason in. She approaches the podium and defies her mother by speaking at the funeral.

7. When she torments Betty about Polly.


During River Vixen tryouts, Cheryl bullies Betty by talking about how horrible Polly must have been to be sent away. Then, she tells Betty to unleash her rage and tries to further enrage Betty.

8. When she tries cutting Polly out of Betty's life.


Once they discover that Polly is pregnant with Jason's children, the Blossom family attempts to have her cut all ties to the Cooper family. Cheryl is overjoyed that Jason's legacy can live on, but she doesn't want Betty to be apart of Polly's life so she can't protect her.

9. When she showed Veronica a picture of her mother and the Southside Serpents.


While Veronica's mother was 100% not innocent, Cheryl did everything she could to smear the Lodge name. Once she saw her mother talking to the Serpents, she rubbed it in Veronica's face that her high-class mother had stooped so low to be dealing with drug carriers.

10. When she invited murder suspects to her brother's funeral.

Who else dares to invite people they think killed their family? Cheryl hand delivers invitations to his funeral to watch his murder suspects react. She forces them to be in the same room so she can secretly cross-examine them. At the very least, she wants the murderer to be forced to look at the person that they killed.

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