U Of M Has Plenty Of Good Reasons For Censoring Ben Shapiro
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U Of M Has Plenty Of Good Reasons For Censoring Ben Shapiro

Maybe they don't hate conservatives, maybe they hate hate speech.

U Of M Has Plenty Of Good Reasons For Censoring Ben Shapiro

This Monday, conservative speaker Ben Shapiro is speaking at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities. However, drama has already started before he’s even arrived. The university moved Shapiro’s speech to the St. Paul campus, citing security concerns due to protesters. Now, if you’re lucky enough to not know who Ben Shapiro is, you might be confused as to why his presence is such a disturbance. Let me introduce you.

We’ll start with Young America’s Foundation’s description of Ben.

What we can gain from this is that Ben Shapiro’s entire existence revolves around hating the left. It isn’t about healthy debate or proposing solutions to social problems. His identity also drips with projection. You cannot look at America today and say “We conservatives are the victims” without lying through your teeth or being delusional.

Ben isn’t the most tolerant or progressive individual. Take, for example, this tweet:

Either this tweet means Ben supports gay conversion therapy, or Ben is a transphobe who wants to dictate how other people use their bodies. Another gem popped up on YouTube in 2014. To spare you from watching it, Ben essentially describes every Muslim with a less-than-favorable attitude toward the United States as a radical Muslim, then counts them all up and concludes:

“We’re above 800 million Muslims radicalized. More than half the Muslims on Earth. That’s not a minority. That’s now a majority . . . [The radical Muslim minority is] a myth that’s going to get a lot of civilized people killed.”

It’s a miracle that America is still standing with all these radical Muslims walking about. In case you agree with him, here’s an article debunking everything he said. Ben also found a way to make the Florida school shooting about Muslims:

Here’s a fun article Ben wrote in 2015. It’s full of great quotes, but I’ll pull out a few highlights for you:

“The president shined lights representing the gay pride rainbow flag on the White House - - a gross boot-on-the-throat display from an anti-religious leader.”
“Religious institutions were the key social glue binding Americans together; we trust one another because we share values, beliefs and social institutions with them. With all three of those elements being memory-holed by the government in favor of self-expression, social capital will disintegrate; our trust in each other will fall apart, and government will fill the gap.”

Keep in mind, this article isn’t in response to Obama banning religion or mandating that everyone must now become gay—the article is in response to gay marriage being legalized. Imagine being threatened by the notion of two people being allowed to get married. Imagine thinking that the gay marriage decision allows “the new god-government” “to root out and destroy and God-based institutions, destroying the social capital and fabric that holds together the nation.” That’s from the same article, by the way. So not only is Ben a racist, xenophobe, homophobe and transphobe—he’s a religious nut, too.

Which is an interesting stance from someone whose ego is based on his fetish for hard-hitting facts. The YouTube thumbnails for his speeches read like they were written by a 15-year-old keyboard warrior who has a crippling fear of Tumblr:

What kind of hard-hitting facts does Ben promote on his news website, The Dailywire? Here are some examples.

Whining about the University of Minnesota (while talking about himself in the third person and linking his own tweets like he didn’t write the article):

University Of Minnesota President Claims Security Concerns Forced Them To Move Shapiro Speech Off Campus. Shapiro Fires Back.

HYPOCRISY: University Of Minnesota Can't Find A Place For Shapiro On Campus. But They Found One For A Leftist Counter-Event.

Writing an entire article about a single Trump tweet and how cool he is and how he totally roasted that person:

President Trump Swings At Oprah Winfrey — And Hits Her Out Of The Park!

Trump Spanks FBI: Too Busy With Russia Probe To Act On School Shooter Tips

Finally, a personal favorite where Ben argues against gun control. I’ll save you a click: his argument is that there are so many guns that it would be really hard to get rid of them all. He also came up with this brilliant idea: “[The AR-15 is] popular because of the media and Democratic focus on banning it.” Brilliant.

So, we’ve established Ben Shapiro’s character. It’s easy to see why the University of Minnesota might be hesitant to sponsor him and his ideas. “Let me come to your college and tell your students that you’re lying to them or my cronies will sue you” isn’t the best negotiation strategy.

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